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14 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Reagan Shows the Road ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is one of the best blog spots I've seen. Thank you, Floyd! Thank you, all that have the guts to stand up to what is wrong in our country. God bless you all. I stand ready to continue with whatever I can do to wake up the people in my area. I won't back down. God Bless America!
We are on the right track!
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Attending a Tea Party?... · 0 replies · +3 points

You wanted to know where? Salem MO! I am getting it together now. I'm in charge, and I don't know what I'm doing. I do have several people helping me. We are going to meet at the City Park, and we are praying for good weather. We'll meet from 4 til whenever . Haven't found a speaker yet, sure would be great if Glenn could be here!!!! But I know that's impossible. Thanks for the 9 Principles and 12 Values! It is good guideline for everyone.

Good Luck everyone. Say prayers that everyone will be civil and safe. Believe in what you are doing or attending!

Jan Abney

Read the first letters down, they aren't larger and bold as I make them on my printmaster. I'm going to pass these around at the tea party, and since I wrote it, I give my permission for anyone to use this in any way they want to, as long as it is not altered, unless you ask me!!!

Until the United States government,
Not just federal, but state also,
Comes to realize WE THE PEOPLE
Not illegals, but the citizens,
Stand as a whole nation against
The ridiculous taxing of all
Individuals, we will continue
To have demonstrations against the
Unwanted “Tea Taxation”, with
The taxing without representation.
It is against our constitution! The
On going power-zapping 545 can
Not take any more power unto itself!
All United States Citizens have the
Legal right to be represented by

Their elected officials. They walk
Around like the proud rooster,
‘Xcept it’s time to put a stop to
All the illegal works of government.
There are 300 million Americans
In the United States, and we are
On the warpath to take back our
Nation and Constitution as written!