The arrogance of this waste of food, unindicted tax evader and big-time fascist is beyond the pale. This whole festering pustule of corruption that calls itself the Obama administration needs to be shut down, now. They want to suspend elections and have more rule by fiat? Fine. We'll see how they like it after the revolution, when we are back in charge...
<div id="idc-comment-msg-div-190031904" class="idc-message"><a class="idc-close" title="Click to Close Message" href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(190031904)"><span>Close Message</span> Comment posted. <p class="idc-nomargin"><a class="idc-share-facebook" target="_new" href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><span class="idc-share-inner"><span>Share on Facebook</span></span> or <a href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(190031904)">Close MessageWE are racists? This from people who base ALL their decisions on race, but call it "diversity" or multiculturalism" to hide the fact that it is racism. And these are the people who claim that black and Hispanic people are too stupid and incompetent to succeed without the help of white liberals. The outrageous part is that most of these fascistic "academics" have their bloated salaries paid by the taxpayer.
Perry is a RINO of the worst sort, pretending to be conservative, but selling out his own state to illegal aliens and the North American Union. Bush redux. If you support Perry, you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Everyone whines that there's no use in impeaching Obama, since the Senate won't convict. Who cares? Impeachment would send a clear message to Americans that at least some of us still believe in the rule of law. It would also force the administration to go on the defensive, spending time, money, and manpower that would otherwise be spent aggrandizing the criminal who is currently squatting in the White House. Take Back America!
Positive legacy for Obama? Who do you think is Holder's boss? Who do you think gives him his marching orders? Who do you think shares his racist, Marxist philosophy. Good grief...
This fascist moron can go eff himself. This guy is so dumb, he'd lose a debate with a house plant. When Nazis like this are in high offices in government, you have to ask yourself how we ever let our country degenerate to such a despicable level. Time to throw this human garbage on the trash heap of History...
We are about to go the way of the USSR, collapsing under the weight of our own, ever-growing, over-reaching, oppressive bureaucracy. We have become a fascist nation. Can we do what is necessary to go back? It's up to us...
Impeach Obama-Soetoro, and vote the rest of the spineless parasites out of office in 2012!!!
Finally. But Lord Obama must really hate this - they are Christian, not Muslim. In any case, God bless them with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Lying is a way of life with these government tape worms...Time for a purge.