


10 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - Skater kids clothes fr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ooohhh how much is the shipping to the UK if I don't win LOL?

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - The baby industrial co... · 0 replies · +1 points

My LO hasnt had a bath in 2 weeks...I haven't had the heart to do it since he screamed the place down in the bath with me - the midwives said the skin to skin would keep him calm! LOL.

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - I saw my birthdaughter... · 0 replies · +1 points

You are the strongest mama!!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - A familiar sight for t... · 0 replies · +1 points

lol my kitteh loved his perch on my belleh...he's having to make do with my lap now!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - Kemby Sidekick diaper ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh wow now that is the cutest but most practical change bag I have ever seen - exit silly overpriced ugly change bags with no useful sized/shaped pocket enter super cute bag of awesomeness.

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - Calculated risk, or wh... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is like the do/do not eat while pregnant furore. We need to do what is right by us and our family not what some researchers tell us to do/not do.

My LO sleeps with us sometimes and other times he is in his carrycot, just like sometimes he sleeps in his bouncer chair. I do put him to sleep on his back but he'll happily sleep on his tummy on my chest/tummy and I'm happy if he is happy.

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - Cute growth charts tha... · 0 replies · +1 points

aaarrrggghhh another WANT but alas being in Blighty makes these things so expensive. I need to stop coveting etsy goodies and find some awesome UK sellers of babba awesomeness.

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - Yeah, so my son was bo... · 1 reply · +1 points

I am totally in awe and jealous of women who manage to give birth - especially in such amazing circumstances, I missed out on the privilege 2 short weeks go when my son was delivered by emergency c-section with my husband waiting outside the theatre. I wish my body had the strength and ability to do what you did!! Amazing!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - Stomach tattoo + pregn... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have a tattoo on the side of my belly...my first tattoo (its truly awful) a tribal dragon (yuck) it did errr grow to some extent but seems to have bounced back.

Although it does look a little more faded!

I got away with no new stretchmarks..but my old ones from when I was a bit of a chubber are more noticeable, my section scar is very wonky though, it goes up a lot furthur on one side than the other!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Mama - Slings, rings, and all... · 0 replies · +1 points

I bought a structured carrier but havent had chance to use it yet...babba is only 12 days old and I have a section wound to heal yet!

looking at this had made me pine for a mei tai though...will have to start saving they're so pricey and I'm a rubbish seamstress!