18p15 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ Chris Heuer's Ins... - Social Media Domains f... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - American Apparel Baite... · 0 replies · +1 points
Personally, I could give a crap if Woody Allen sues them. I buy American Apparel because their goods aren't made by eight-year-olds in sweatshops in Bangladesh. They give their workers insurance and fair wages, and don't overwork them. Most of the "trashy ads" they put out are actually volunteers who willingly pose for them. So seriously, I don't care if they piss of Woody Allen in a fairly innocent way, because at least they aren't exploiting millions of people across the world who seemingly don't exist because we choose to ignore them.
15 years ago @ Schipul Blog - Schipul Book Club: Win... · 0 replies · +1 points
The Soup Peddler began his quest to feed Austin with his yummy soup in a menudo inspired dream. So creative and fun...and very good soup!
Shel Silverstein and Roald Dahl shaped me to be the goofball that I am today. Without them, I very well could have been a corporate slave to Da Man.
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - Rock On, @Debutaunt! Y... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - Why I'm Supportin... · 0 replies · +1 points
Various people in the tech community have Brewster's ear. Honestly, that's the first step. We didn't offer Brewster money--we just know what's good for the economy and for Austin, so he wanted to hear what we had to say.
If we foster the international, money-making industries, the small companies will come to accommodate their tastes. If you look at New York and San Francisco, they are not lacking in small businesses whatsoever.
Personally, I like the idea of always living downtown. I hate traffic and actually take my bike whenever possible. So although I wasn't a fan at first, I don't mind the high rises downtown. They are good for traffic and for the environment.
And if for some strange reason Brewster decides we aren't important anymore and accommodates no one but the developers, I will crucify him brutally and publicly. I don't see this happening, but the option is there. Don't think I haven't launched a social media Google bomb before ;-) ...
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - Why I'm Supportin... · 0 replies · +1 points
Here are Brewster's stands on growing the economy:
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - Why I'm Supportin... · 0 replies · +1 points
Here is information straight from Brewster's website:
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - Why Old Media IS NOT i... · 0 replies · +1 points
Not everyone is an early adopter. There are still a lot of people who watch TV the way our parents did.
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - Why Old Media IS NOT i... · 1 reply · +1 points
I appreciate that social media and online marketing in general is important and the way things are heading. That's addressed in my first paragraph when I say, "I must admit that the vast expense of print and TV production will inevitably push them to a web-based platform." That's why I do what I do for a living.
However, your sniper rifle approach doesn't compete with a nuclear bomb. And right now, TV is still a nuclear bomb of sorts. The vast numbers it attracts IN THE HERE AND NOW is impressive. Will it always be this way? I argue that even when TV moves entirely to the internet, people will still gravitate towards good content. And where there is good content, people will want to advertise because they want to appeal to a lot of people in a short period of time. Social media complements this, but I'm sorry, old media has some good content and isn't dead, much less coming from the grave.
Why do Dell and Ford, some of the bigger brands leading the charge in social media, also advertise on TV? Why does Zappos purchase pay-per-click and sponsor shoes for TV shows? Will it always be this way? No. Does TV, local and national, still have sway? Yes.
I just promoted Twestival here in Austin, which raised almost as much as London and San Francisco. I promoted it via
1.) Twitter
2.) Blogs
3.) Picking up the phone and calling people
4.) Emails. TONS of emails. Personal ones.
5.) TV
6.) Radio
7.) Facebook
Twitter and blogs don't cut it. Seriously. People's Twitter feeds are channels that most people don't pay attention to.
15 years ago @ Michelle's Blog - Results of the NameChe... · 0 replies · +1 points