


8 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Chea... · 0 replies · +46 points

As far as I know, the Selangor state government only subsidies the first 20 cubic metres of water. Any additional usage will be borne by the consumer themselves so no matter how much you use, the subsidy is capped at the first 20 cubic metres,

So can this smart minister said, I quote, "when water was cheap, usage spiked and the government had to step in to subsidise the price, which meant public funds would not be used as efficiently."

Also, additional usage will cause the water tariff to move to higher tiers i.e. more expensive charge per cubic metre. Who on earth would waste water if it's gonna hurt their own pockets??

I really wish BN ministers could engage their brains before they speak... bunch of corrupt idiots!

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mobile - Malaysia - Na... · 0 replies · +45 points

Nonsense! If you can't even put UMNO in order how do you expect us to hand the country to your party?! You'll have plenty of time to reform once we kick you out of Putrajaya!

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Sela... · 1 reply · +111 points

AES = Another E-diotic Scheme

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Paka... · 0 replies · +219 points

This is definitely the right thing to do... way to go Pakatan! U have my vote in the coming GE :o)

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Pua:... · 0 replies · +71 points

if LGE sues his accuser and the case goes to hearing, everyone will be asked to testify and all details will be out in the open... how does that consider hiding?

think before you speak next time...

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Dr M... · 0 replies · +21 points

I am a product of national school but imagine this, if I don't send my children to vernacular school or that my children also don't send theirs to vernacular school after a few generations none of them would be able to read, write or converse in their native language. The language would be LOST just like that. And what good is that?

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Dr M... · 0 replies · +34 points

Throughout the world, only minorities / aborigines are given special preference via affirmative action. In Malaysia it's the complete opposite. We give special rights to the majority at the expense of the minorities!

I used the word "preference" because these disadvantaged groups are given only that... PREFERENCE. Preference for jobs, government aids etc. It doesn't mean they have special rights / extra privileges over other races. It certainly doesn't mean being son of the soil they can trample over other's constitutional rights and deny others from recognizing their roots & heritage which are vital in preserving their identities.

Education is not the cause of disunity in this country. It is the politicians with their unfair policies against the minorities. Until this is rectified I'm afraid there won't be genuine unity among races in the country.

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - Joho... · 1 reply · +332 points

A few months ago, Spanish king Juan Carlos was severely criticized for going to an expensive elephant hunting trip which costs about £27,000 or at today's exchange rate about RM133,000. And this is only a fraction of the registration number costs! At the end of the day the king was humble enough to admit his mistake and apologize to the nation...

I think as a responsible leader one has to be sensitive in what he/ she does. Whether it's using public funds or otherwise one shouldn't be so arrogant and touchy when being criticized.

Nobody is perfect and constructive criticisms are good for self-improvement... don't you all agree?