


12 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Want Public Assistance? · 0 replies · +2 points

Is there actually a politician with a good idea? All I can really say is that I agree, but I'm very surprised.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Florida Tea Party Canc... · 1 reply · +1 points

It doesn’t state what party he is a part of. It seems his political life started in 2007 with an election to the city council and appointment to mayor in Nov 2008. It’s probably a non-partisan office.

All of this insurance business makes me wonder if the AIG employees can force the ACORN protesters to get insurance in case one of them falls onto their property and hurts themselves. How fast do you think they’d be complaining about their first amendment rights being violated? (Yes, I know it wouldn’t apply since the Constitution doesn’t protect citizens from each other, but it protects citizens from the government)

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Florida Tea Party Canc... · 3 replies · +2 points

I was able to get onto <a href="http://www.capecoral.net..." target="_blank">http://www.capecoral.net... Their mayor’s name is Jim Burch and his e-mail address is jburch@capecoral.net... And according to the site, he is up for re-election this year. Maybe we should remind him that he works for the people.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - "The Worst Financial C... · 2 replies · 0 points

If they don’t pass this legislation, how can BO get another ESPN story setting up his brackets. But seriously, I want a college football playoff system. I think it would be a better determinant of the best team. But, the NCAA has to make that decision. It is their prerogative to run their company however they want. This is another example of how the federal government believes it can go around the 10th amendment and do whatever they want.

I have to assume this legislation is pretty much a joke. It will probably result in a resolution that goes nowhere. Or maybe, this is a filibuster-like move by Sen Hatch (R) to keep the Senate from doing anything real… or real stupid.

As far as Utah playing for the national championship, if they want a real shot, get out of the MWC. If you want a nice piece of jewelry, you don’t go to Walmart… and if you want a respected football program, (for Utah) you join the Pac-10 or the Big-12. Beating up on the juggernauts of the conference like Air Force and Colorado State will get you know where.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Navy Warships Have Bee... · 0 replies · +2 points

Let me get this straight, we are sending in our Navy in support of another UN resolution? Is it just me, or did the rest of the world basically turn their backs on us the last time we acted in support of one of these?

This test must be stopped. Both Clinton and Bush failed to take any action to stop this regime’s push to become a nuclear power. I find it very ironic (and unlikely) that the Obama administration will take steps to stop their advancement.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - California Protest Fol... · 0 replies · +1 points

If there is wrongdoing by the Oakland police by all means it should be investigated. Corruption in law enforcement can not be tolerated. I hope the city of Oakland is more than capable of handling this situation correctly even though someone was unable to make the correct decision and keep a killer behind bars. I hope that parole board can live with themselves. It is very unfortunate that California has needed to release 50,000 felons to cope with their financial mismanagement.

Did anyone look up who this Uhuru Movement is that lead the march? From their website, “The African People's Socialist Party (APSP) is the organization that built and leads the Uhuru Movement.” Hmm… more socialists? They seem to be everywhere these days. It makes me wonder how much stimulus money this group is going to receive for their community organizing efforts. That you BO for supporting those who support cop killers.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - House Passes Retroacti... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am not happy with the bonuses. I don’t think anyone is, but this legislation is absurd. Where in the world does congress get the power to tax a specific group? I caught a snippet of Judge Napolitano on Fox today and he reminded us that in Great Britain they used to tax everything away from those that the legislature did not like. This is basically the same thing. Congress is acting against the people that they believe most of the country is angry at. It can not be allowed for our government to go after their enemies through targeted taxation. They work for us.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - New Baby Boom Reveals ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I hesitate to emphasize the racial disparity on this issue, but as it says, 71.6% of black babies are not born in married families. Another related issue is that around 1/3 of black pregnancies end in abortion. Both of these stats show how families are not being held sacred throughout our country.

This is an issue we should really take up. If we could do something to raise the amount of healthy marriages in the black community, I believe that both of these statistics would shrink. I remember Glenn’s March 13 show where Chris Gardner (The Pursuit of Happyness) said that at an early age he decided that no matter what, his children would not grow up as just another black baby without a father. I’m sure he would help go before congress and ask for legislation giving tax incentives for fathers to be married to their children’s mother and part of their lives.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - California Congressman... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am getting tire of hearing how all of these people in Washington are cheating on their taxes. I pay my fair share and they should too. The only way I see to get this done is to have their returns audited every year. As it is stated, they are not above the law. Anyone know some good congressmen to put this forward? In 2010, we should demand to have the returns audited before we, as a group, will vote for any of them. We are gaining strength and soon, they will remember that they work for us.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Guess who were the two... · 7 replies · +4 points

Listen, I would love to point fingers at Chris Dodd and BO for taking the most money from AIG in 2008… but third on that list is John McCain. If you look at the source organization’s website (opensecrets.org), you’ll find that since 1989, George W Bush is the second highest recipient with Dodd still in the lead. I think we should ask all the politicians who received support from AIG to give back their “bonuses.” Or maybe someone should just tax it out of THEM…

I’m sorry, but this is not a valid fight. Yes, there are crooks in Washington that take money in return for helping businesses, but both sides need to treated equally. I’m in favor of any company, that we as Americans now own, be forced to no longer give political contributions until they pay the money back.