


2 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland: A Trip To ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Emily __What a amazing pictures , I am sure lotts of Somalilander like me want you to go to the other Cities like Berbera, Sheikh and Burao and I am sure the people of Somaliland would welcome you every town you go.__I am glade you drink Camel milk which is very healthy, i am not a doctor but as far as I know it is really good for your stomach.__goodluck and I hope to see more people like you to come our beaufitull nation.__M.Jirdeh__Toronto Canada

15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland: A Trip To ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi, Emily I am glade somebody like you visit to Somaliland and see how beautiful the country is. I can't wait to see the pictures you take. Good luck and make sure you enjoy, remember to have some of the Camel milk and Camel meat.

Somalilander from Toronto Canada