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12 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm a believer in retroactive abortion if there is evidence of CUE. Abortion is so far off subject here it isn't funny. This is about veterans benefits.

The next guy mentioning abortion will be subjected to one himself.

Courtesy and respect please. Otherwise everyone will be a part of uncle Jim's planned parenthood blitz. Thanks.

12 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 0 replies · +1 points

The link works fine here. Maybe you "puter" is bogus? ;-) Nahh, not that well oiled piece of machinery. Remember, it's always operator error. Except when my server wipes out my home page, like this morning. That was clearly the fault of my vendor, the server, my ISP, an ex-wife or two and one of the dogs. Just so long as it wasn't me.

12 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 0 replies · +2 points

The link works for me.

I happen to be a big Obama fan yet I agree with <broncovet> I understand that campaign promises aren't usually kept, "Read my lips, no new taxes" may be the most well known of all. I believe President Obama when I read that he is in awe of our military. I also believe that of all presidents of my lifetime, he inherited one of the worst situations ever. The previous administration had decimated the VA. In 2003 veterans who were previously eligible for health care were cut off the roles so we could pour money into the Iraq war. The Obama administration has funneled money into VA at an unprecedented rate but VA squanders it on bonuses for employees and such rather than making progress for vets.

There is only so much money. The US bank account isn't unlike your own. If you have no balance, your choice is to cut spending or expand your life on credit cards...very expensive credit cards.

As a nation we are broke. People don't seem to grasp that our lifestyle, our wealth, our health care system, our infrastructure and most other indicators fall far behind other similar countries today. We are no longer #1 in any field but war and that's highly debatable considering the costs of "winning".

Bottom line...I'm afraid Obama has his back against the wall and without cuts (increased taxes and fees) we will once again slide into where we were headed when he took office...a serious depression. I don't want cuts to affect military or vets. The only way to avoid it is to end the war and start taking care of business here at home.

13 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 0 replies · +1 points

I get annoyed with people who accuse veterans of trying to "stack your claim". I deal with active duty military and I hear that a lot. The culture is such that if you have a legitimate claim that you should be documenting others around you will accuse you of near treason because you may get future benefits.

Anyone who is preparing for retirement or ETS should do all they can to document claims at that moment. If that is difficult or impossible it is worth the time and money to visit a civilian physician and pay out of your pocket to have a complete physical exam done.

Most civilians will negotiate rates if you are paying cash and you don't have insurance. A physical exam by a civilian physician while you are on active duty is as good for VA purposes as any military exam will be. Although obstructive sleep apnea seems a frivolous claim, if there is a diagnosis of OSA while on active duty the law allows that to carry over to the VA side and to be rated as a service connected condition. OSA is more that the annoying snoring that we think about. OSA may have many causes but bottom line is that if it occurred in active duty service, the law says it is an SC condition.

I do all I can to get the message out to our younger brothers and sisters that if you ignore getting your problems in the record today, 30 years from now you'll wish that you had taken time to make it a part of your record. My seemingly minor problems of my youth exploded as I entered my 50s and 60s and if I hadn't managed to keep track of my records I'd be sorry for that today.

Document, document and then document some more.

13 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 0 replies · +2 points

I'll ask for clarification. Thanks!

13 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 0 replies · +3 points


This will be the last post that concerns the topic of the anti-child support fringe group. There are serious issues happening these days and these are not serious players.

In summary, there is a group that alleges to be incorporated, tax exempt and to support veterans. They parcel out legal opinion and advice although none are lawyers and their legal advice has landed other veterans in jail. The fact is that they are a fringe band of bullies who use incomprehensible rhetoric and empty threats to try to intimidate others. They are neither incorporated nor are they registered properly with IRS although they claim to be.

I have publicly offered money for any evidence of their bona fides and there has been no response. One member who claims to be a former Marine has written and misspelled the most basic passage that any true Marine knows by heart. No Marine would do that...think... "Stolen Valor".

Their members have been accused of Stolen Valor in the past. Their members have been investigated for threats to state representatives and their members have sent vague threats to me personally.

This is a small handful of very angry, very bitter old guys who can't dismiss that they had children and wives to support. One of the ex-wives called me at my home to tell me of the horror of life with her "hero" veteran. It wasn't a pretty story.

I've asked that the "president" of this boys club provide me with any evidence at all that he has any of the documentation to show where donations go or just what they do to help our brothers and sisters. His response is only to hurl insults at me and he refuses to address my very simple questions.

It's now proven that they exist on a house built with lies. That's enough. This horse is dead and flogging it won't bring any credibility to these fellows.

Those who participate here know we're involved with work that matters, we aren't focused on beating our wives and short changing our children.

There's a great article on Salon today. "The Futility of Arguing With Crazy" says it all.

The author tells us, "You can't argue with crazy" and that is a fact.

So...Randy and I won't be allowing any more crazy here. If your comment slips in, we'll delete it soon after. It's been interesting but we have work to do.

Thanks to every one of you for your support. Please note that we don't ask for or accept donations. We aren't that crazy.

Jim Strickland

13 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 4 replies · +2 points

Try reading this again and don't skip the important stuff this time. This is what I said, "If you write to insult me and make threats, you've set the tone for how this works".

People who spread lies and present themselves to be other than what they are will be exposed if they try to confront me. These are people who have told us they are tax exempt and that they help veterans. They do not offer any proof of that and when questioned their response is to flood my email with silly and childish insults. Once that happens I am well within my rights to expose them as I wish.

I don't know what you think filing a police report would accomplish? Who would I file it with? My hometown cops or where the fake business address is? What would the police do? You can't be serious with that suggestion.

Why don't you use your name? You didn't sign your letter. You're hiding behind that handle of yours but ignoring the name you've adopted. I know your name and address but I don't understand why you don't proudly sign your messages like I do mine. Everyone knows my name, my wife's name and where I live. I have no shame about who I am.

Names and IDs of people who make threats or get ugly with me are published so that they know for sure that they are not anonymous. Like cockroaches, exposure to the light often sees them running to hide.

Any other questions?

Jim <div style="display:block;margin:6px 0 0"><a class="a2a_dd" href="http://www.addtoany.com/share_save"><img src="http://static.addtoany.com/buttons/share_save_171_16.png" alt="Share/Save/Bookmark" border="0" height="16" width="171">

13 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 0 replies · +1 points

I believe in putting my money where my mouth is. If Mr. Simes will show us the proof that his organizations are indeed legally incorporated, that they have the IRS status they claim and then show a reasonable accounting of how much money is spent on veterans v. overhead, I will make a donation of at least $200.00 out of my pocket.

This is no more than I'd ask of any group I donate to. If he is operating legitimately as stated, I'll publish my sincere apology for my misconceptions. I've erred before, I'm human. I have no problems apologizing and correcting my mistakes when that happens. If I'm wrong now, all he needs to do is show me and I'm humbled and it will cost me some cash.

Should I do more? It's your call, tell me.

13 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 2 replies · +1 points

OMG, OMG...another one. I asked the President of VFVC/National Chairman OFFE boys clubs to tell me the story behind their solicitation of funds. They ask you to donate money and say you'll get tax deduction. All I asked was to see any documentation that they are legitimate as we can't find anything by the IRS to verify that he either is incorporated or runs a tax exempt organization. Without such evidence we must assume that they aren't only evading their responsibilities to their children but they're also evading taxes as they take your money out of your pocket.

These guys are a hoot. What the hell is the reference to nails and kitting? I asked for papers and this is what I received:

Hi Jim,

Too bad the crap runs down hill and you are on the end!

You know something Jim, how about you coming aboard on Welcome to VFVC live on the air! Maybe we can talk all this over?

I really would like to know you; you can't be that bad of a Veteran!

Here is my number: 315 986-7322 How about next week on Stardust Radio an Internet Radio Station and I’ll by a box of nails just kitting,

Jim, you do know what this means? Simper Fi!
Gene D. Simes President VFVC/National Chairman OFFE
Remember the Vet

Gene D. Simes, President VFVC/National Chairman OFFE
Office: 315-986-7322

13 years ago @ VAWatchdogToday dot Org - Comments · 7 replies · 0 points

OK, I'm tired of it too. But I thought you'd all enjoy this just as much as I did. This is from one of the sharper arrows in their quiver...if any of you can help me decipher what this means, I'd be grateful. Obviously, it's just another guy whining about how he can't support his kids...is there more to it?

Mike Boone <armymarinesranger@yahoo.com
Date:Tue, Apr 19, 2011 11:29 pm

Dear Clown, I have two bibles and u own one. Does that mean your going to heaven faster than me? I say to u that the person who does not read good books has no advantage over the person that cannot read! I want you to walk a mile in everyone of these veterans shoes first. I wish u to feel the pain and cold that some of these men and women r feeling. U judge without knowing anyones situation, u stigmatize each one of these veterans as the courts have and disable a second/third time as one veteran puts a gun to his head because he/ she sees no way out? Why Jim? Does it go back to your childhood as a counselor might say after reading a book on human behavior? I have paid the demands of the courts until i couldnt anymore. I paid more then the amounts by calculating my whole VA check and what i was making for my part time job. I volunteered to give 50% of my part time job that was approx $500 a month for two children. Child Support calculation came up with
$330 a month by their calculations? This was down from the original divorce from $700. I have a doctors medical opinion that states i should b unemployable and a claim on going for almost 8 yrs? Tell me i am no trying to do the right thing? Your courts have played Doctor and called me a dead beat 3 different times? They will not lower my amount from the original divorce decree because i am was only working part time? This is over 6 yrs later and by child support guidelines and their rules it should have changed? They r not going by income? They dont except letters from Doctors? But wait Jim, i got it as u say. Go out there and just take any job when today there r none, even less for the disabled. Go get any job and if u injure yourself further, but wait Clown, VA has a law that says if you knew u couldnt, fraud right? I dont have the exact language right now of the law but will get it for u to help veterans right Jim? I did not tell u that the courts
and child support wanted to take my license as well? Wow, great thinking with that law Jim? During these economic times, no jobs, working with all VA entities to get another job in rural Iowa where most r laboring jobs that would have a great effect on my disabilities? Just quit being a dead beat right Jim? Do you know what the word advocate means Clown? I will leave u with this thought! In the kingdom of the blind, the man with one eye is still King! Purhaps u should seek a new job Jim, your knowledge at this one doesnt impress me. The one thing i learned in college i will share with u and it falls under advocacy! Dont ever let yourself think that the person who is being exploited, dont know that they r being exploited! Waiting Jim, 3rd strike, your out! Veteran Jerry Bohr