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16 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Podcast 14 "Male Sack"... · 1 reply · +1 points

Considering the scene after the credits and the rumoured scene upcoming in The Incredible Hulk, there seems to be an Avengers movie upcoming. Is this a good idea at all? I'd rather have more Iron Man. Sure, involve him with Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., but keep the characters separated before we have to deal with Captain America. That character will NEVER work on the big screen. Discuss.

16 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Get Your Questions in ... · 0 replies · +1 points

How would George do "Don't be a Menace to South Central while Drinking Your Juice in the Hood".

Also, I just watched "In the Name of the King", directed by Uwe Boll. I enjoyed it for the pure crappiness and the brilliant casting (perhaps you guys might mst3k this film, mmmm?), however it begs the question as to how this joker keeps making movies. I guess he has had boxing matches with other critics and now says he may retire if an online petition reaches 1million (it's at 200,000 I think). I hear he gets subsidies for making movies with German crews, but wtf? Who sells him the rights and how does he get the actors?

16 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Submit questions for P... · 1 reply · +1 points

rather than look this up on the site somewhere, I want to get the answer on podcast #12. I see #11 is now up, so too late for that. "Hijinks Ensue" as a name could come from anywhere, but I have just watched the gag reel on the Firefly box set and Fillion makes a pretty similar comment about the hijinks that ensue on set. Coincidence?

Also, talk about the Clone Wars animated theatrical release. See it? wait a few weeks? be generally annoyed and then relent after it hits dvd?

16 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - Video Blog #1 · 1 reply · +1 points

That was your Jerry Maguire moment.

...and yes, you complete us all.

Keep it up. I hope I can catch up to Battlestar in time to not get spoilered. Keep warning me before you let Cylons slip.