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15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - West Offering to Endor... · 0 replies · +3 points

The western world would be well advised to learn about the Iranian psyche, not only they are not afraid of fighting to death but unlike Arabs they think ahead and plan how to fight with as little or as much as they have.
I was in the Iraq-Iran war between 83-85 and I am telling you If a war starts every Iranian will be united and first in line to fight back.

15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - West Offering to Endor... · 0 replies · +1 points

There is no way in the world Israel can attack Iran. The west may even give lip service to Israel’s wet dreams of attacking Iran but they will not back Israel in any war that Israel starts.
At best what Israel can do is ONE surprise attack by air which by itself can achieve nothing and seeing that Israel Army (even though they couldn’t even fight Hezbollah) has to go through 2 countries to get to Iran (Jordan and Iraq) then it really becomes a missile war which Iran can match Israel very easily and give Israel a taste of its own medicine.
At the same time take in to account the size of the 2 countries. How many missiles does Israel has to send to Iran to cause a serious damage? And how any does Iran have to send to cause a serious damage to Israel?
Even on Nuclear level all Iran has to do is send missiles to hit the Dimona Nuclear plant to have the same effect as nuking Israel.

15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Guardian Council: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Quite correct.
Also in Iran you do not have to register for the election (as we do in the US). You simply have to show up with your Birth Cert (which has picture of the holder) or if out side of Iran to show up with your Passport.
Therefore anyone can show up at any location and vote.

15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Reports Say Obama Will... · 0 replies · +3 points

I couldn't agree with you more. It is getting really old that Israel is treated as a the chosen country in the world where everyone in the world seems to owe them everything the zionist want.

15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Reports Say Obama Will... · 0 replies · +4 points

What about the water issue? What about the air space issue?
Why is it acceptable for Zionist and convert Jews (Khazars) to have a right of return but the Palestinians who are still holding deeds to their lands cannot return?
If the peace agreement is just going to be a cosmetic Palestinian state with no real sovereignty then nothing is going to change.
If Palestinians cannot have their own army then Israel too should lose much of its military and give up its Nukes.
Both Israel and Palestine should only be allowed to have defensive weapons with the US guaranteeing their security (including a UN resolution) where each country will be severely sanctioned and blockaded if it attacks the other country.