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15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - Australian court absol... · 0 replies · +1 points

<a href= rel=\"nofollow\">ISOC Australia has issued a <a href= rel=\"nofollow\">media release applauding the ruling:

ISOC-AU applauds today’s decision of the Australian Federal Court in
the case of Roadshow Films Pty Limited v iiNET Limited. The Court
found that iiNet, by failing to take any steps to stop infringing conduct,
did not ‘authorise’ copyright infringement by certain iiNet users.. iiNet
did not sanction, approve or countenance copyright infringement; they
did no more than provide an Internet service to their customers.

ISOC-AU believes the Internet is for everyone. ‘The Internet is an
essential part of how Australians live, work and play‘, said Narelle
Clark, Vice President of the Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) ‘and
the Court has confirmed that ISPs are not required to be the
gatekeepers of Internet use‘.

ISOC-AU also welcomes the finding of the Court that, because iiNet did
have a repeat infringer policy, they would have been entitled to the
protection offered by the ‘safe harbour’ provisions of the copyright

ISOC-AU recognises that people should be rewarded for their creative
endeavours and that other models may need to be used or developed to
reward content creation and distribution. We also support the right of
all to due process under law, particularly to ensure that Internet users
are not arbitrarily cut off from Internet access.

and also a couple of links:

<a href= rel=\"nofollow\">Full text of the judgement
<a href= rel=\"nofollow\">iiNet\'s response
<a href= rel=\"nofollow\">the film industry\'s response

15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - Journal on Telecommuni... · 0 replies · +1 points

I particularly recommend Glimmers and Signs of Innovative Health in the Commercial Internet by Shane Greenstein - it gives an excellent overview of both the history of the commercial internet, and current issues.

15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - Google Book Settlement... · 0 replies · +1 points

Pamela Samuelson has published a paper on this topic: Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace

15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - FCC Asks Congress For ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nate Anderson of ArsTechnica <a href= rel=\"nofollow\">responds:

ISPs like France\'s already offer ADSL connections of up to 28Mbps that provide TV, Internet, and phone service for €29.99, showing just how much can really be done by the right kind of competition. Meanwhile, Americans can pay $35/month for 6Mbps Internet-only DSL connections with customer service like this.

The FCC\'s point man for broadband, Blair Levin, has essentially ruled out line-sharing already, and he\'s also right that just \"thinking big\" without having a plan to get there is ineffective. And yes, some of the high speeds advertised in other countries can\'t be obtained in reality. But a look round the world shows that broadband can at least be done better, it can certainly be done cheaper, and success is often a function of the regulatory environment. That doesn\'t mean government-run broadband; it just means that the ground rules truly encourage competition, the sort of competition that both the Department of Commerce and the Department of Justice don\'t currently see in the market.

15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - Australia debates broa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Seems like will work as a direct link to Tony's idea.

15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - FCC Open Internet Tech... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have to take a break now but so far this has been a really good workshop!

15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - P2 quick demo at WordC... · 0 replies · +1 points

Looking good

15 years ago @ ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD - Net Neutrality Hearing... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ah, bug showing in 1.1.2!