


92 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Hospital of Cards - An... · 0 replies · +2 points

The sooner it pops, the better. HC is taking quite the chunk out of my paycheck.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - As supply meets demand... · 0 replies · +13 points

Stupid. If the workers could be happier finding other work, they would. They choose this job because it's their best option. We should be thanking Apple/Foxconn for providing jobs for people that want them. Everyone needs to quit whining. There are much greater injustices in this world done by the use of force, whereas this is completely voluntary.

13 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Republican Presidentia... · 17 replies · +49 points

Ron Paul is the only man with any sense and principle up there.

13 years ago @ ScreenCrave - Quentin Tarantino Anno... · 0 replies · +1 points

He's 100% wrong on Drive, and thousands across the world will agree.

13 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Will the Latest Plan "... · 1 reply · 0 points

This was really interesting, and so simplistic that a caveman (or a bureaucrat) can understand!

13 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - So it begins...AT&T st... · 2 replies · 0 points

So, when you're placed in the top 5% of users, does the throttling take place just for the next month, or forever? Suppose skelatwork had 11 gig this month, but then never went above 1 gig the next 6 months? Would he be throttled that whole time? That wouldn't make sense.

I guess they're putting new definitions on "unlimited data." This is just a tactic to go after tethering. Some areas, a guy could be expending 11gb per month and never slow up another person's bandwidth, based on the area he is in. This throttling is just a tactic to go after those who tether. Meh.

13 years ago @ blog.iphone-dev.org - / · 0 replies · +6 points

Why did this post just appear in my RSS feed today. Weird.

13 years ago @ Ludwig von Mises Insti... - Rockefeller, Morgan, a... · 0 replies · +1 points

Of course, Murray was talking about all of this way before the rest. He was rarely wrong!

13 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Jailbreak hotspot-ers:... · 1 reply · +6 points

Threats have mostly not been carried out, because users keep denying they are tethering. AT&T apparently knows if you are tethering, but they don't reveal how they know, and almost every user can just call up and deny they are tethering. Plus, their definition of tethering is more expansive than is commonly known. Even playing audio in your car speakers via bluetooth can be considered tethering. This is just a way to go after the grandfathered users. Interesting to see what backlash there is to this.

13 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Apple has more cash th... · 0 replies · 0 points

Looks like there are some angry with 9to5mac posting this story. Most likely, they are Democrat faithfuls. Why, you should use this as an excuse that you need to raise more taxes so Uncle Sam can get the cash to fund all his wonderful programs!

But if you've ever worked for a business, let me ask you this question. Does raising price always bring more revenue? Why not?

Frankly, both sides are wrong and this whole debate is a stage show of theater. Both sides want credit or to blame the other. Waaa waaa. You're both part of the problem. This mess we are in is bipartisan. Democrats and Republicans love war, corporate and social welfare, and they can't figure out a way to pay for it, other than by printing money and pretending to have a "debt limit."