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14 years ago @ iamronen - Closed Open Source · 0 replies · +1 points

Your words demonstrate exactly what I feel. Your bottom line is this: "If you have a feature idea, you should really develop it yourself"... this condemns WordPress to growing only in the direction that developers can take it... and to me that is a shame... and what makes it, in my eyes, a closed community.

Well, what makes it advance is developers, if features aren't developed they never exist. What makes a software be real is it being developed... u can't escape it. You'll never see a software advance with no developer.

I've read about wp-hackers being split into another mailing list where designers talk about admin layout, because their talk was getting big and developers weren't interested in it :p You sould search for this mailing list and join them, or join any other channel.

In most softwares ppl don't bother with admin pages layout, it's always neglected. But the frontend can be made anyway we want with themes.

14 years ago @ iamronen - Closed Open Source · 0 replies · +1 points

It's interesting you saying you wanna contribute but you can't.

Wordpress has one of the widest options for community participation: forum, mailing list, IRC, blogs, trac... and each of them behave differently, they aren't only more of the same!

Have you searched, or just faced a dead end and gave up? :P I've recently read a nice article in one of Automattic devblogs saying they acknowledge the community is somehow disorganized and they are missing the opportunity to hear ideas, there was a time they created a forum topic where we could post our ideas about features that should be implemented. But it really seems they've not been able to handle the community growth and "doors" are not "opened" accordingly.

The problems you point to open source is that these projects don't profit directly from users, we users get the software for free! So, they indeed want the user base to grow, but their income doesn't grow proportional to it directly, so sometimes they just can't handle it.

In a proprietary paid software, each new user is a new paying customer, and if they have an at least fairly organized business model, if their user base grows they just hire more employees for their support team, hire more developers, and keep growing. Now in an open source project, if the user base grows they keep the same, but they must pay more for hosting, and depend even more from voluntary community members to handle support needs. Generally they just get a forum where more experienced members help each other, and core developers get close and unaccessible because "they have work to do".

If you wanna help, the fastest way is to get a beta or svn version of Wordpress, go to trac and get a ticket that has a patch and test that patch, or search for a knowing bug and try to add more info about it, or simply report a new bug. If you can develop a patch and fix a bug, much better.

To add new features it's a bit harder, we are hardly able to all by ourselves add a complete new feature that adds/edits a few functions to core and have it commit. That would need a lot of tests, and as I've seen trac is very low on testers! A better shot would be develop a plugin and offer it, and maybe request in trac for new filters and actions that are missing and your feature requires to be attached. I've done that and I was successiful. We are hardly able to add new small features to core without the help of members that have been on it for years and contributed a lot, and bigger features are only added when core developers point they should or many contributors decide to work together on it.

And, to suggest new features ideas... well, testers availability in trac is inversely proportional to suggested ideas being presented :D Pratically every Wordpress user has a need of a feature that is not available yet, I myself had to develop almost 10 plugins to have some features I needed and weren't available even we having a few thousand plugins out there!

If you have a feature idea, you should really develop it yourself instead of just suggesting it (what in practice is request some developer to do it for you), and if possible share it so that other ppl with the same need can get helped. We shouldn't see Wordpress as a complete product, it's more like a base engine where we can develop enhancements over.

15 years ago @ Hikari Realm - http://... - Hoax vinculando o logo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Olha, oq eu tenho percebido é q o pessoal q gosta de passar hoax pra frente, faz isso no impulso, só lê o título falando q é grave, dá uma olhada pra ver o tema, e assim q lê algo pedindo pra repassar eles já obedecem como bons robozinhos programados. Se vc ler o último post q fiz sobre hoax, vai ver q ele manda repassar usando CCO, só q no mínimo as 3 últimas pessoas da "corrente" fizeram forward usando To e ainda deixaram o email de todo mundo no body... tudo gente porca sem noção.
Por causa disso duvido q apesar de repassarem eles prestem atenção nisso, se bobear nem lêem os hoax direito, é só no intuito de poluir a mailbox alheia mesmo.

Agora, se tiver gente q realmente leva isso a sério e sair pela rua procurando esses desenhos (e deve ter, é essa turma q adora dizer q filme e jogo forma assassinos), então essa gente é doente e precisa ser internada antes q agrida um inocente na rua, ou então tá é procurando um amigo q a integre na "turma", e a essas horas já encontrou algum colar desse tipo e já tá usando xD

15 years ago @ Hikari Realm - http://... - Hoax vinculando o logo... · 0 replies · +1 points

É hoax mesmo, q diferença faz? xD

15 years ago @ Hikari Realm - http://... - Dicas pra quem foi con... · 0 replies · +1 points

Muito legal vc ter conseguido escapar deles! parabéns!
é bom ver q consegui ajudar algumas pessoas a serem menos abusadas pelas autoridades :)

como vc fez pra convencer eles q mora em outra cidade?! passa as manha aí!!

15 years ago @ Consciência Plan... - Pq minhas oraç&... · 0 replies · +1 points

Valeu a visita cara!

eu conferi aki e a imagem tá lá, oq vc vê no lugar dela?

15 years ago @ Hikari Realm - http://... - Dicas pra quem foi con... · 0 replies · +1 points

Juiz se quiser pode até te mandar pra cadeia se quiser né, juiz naum tem q respeitar nada. Há pouco tempo um juiz mandou a puliça devolver o CNH prum pingunço pq "no entendimento dele" o povo tem direito a "uma cervejinha" num bar antes de voltar pra casa dirigindo. E depois falou prum reporter q as leis servem pra orientar e auxiliar o juiz, ele naum é preso a nada e naum é obrigado a obedecer cada lei q existe...
Eu inventaria q tenho alguma coisa importante envolvendo família ou trabalho lá e avisaria q naum vou. Eu conheço caso de dona q simplesmente naum foi e depois foi lá votar normalmente, eles ficaram de tocaia e abordaram ela kerendo saber oq ela naum tinha ido, ela disse q naum tinha ninguém pra olhar os filhos e dexaram por isso mesmo... Vai do humor do juiz mesmo.

15 years ago @ Consciência Plan... - Os níveis inici... · 0 replies · +1 points

valeu cara :D

15 years ago @ Hikari Realm - http://... - Dicas pra quem foi con... · 0 replies · +1 points

haha alma gêmea? :P

15 years ago @ Hikari Realm - http://... - Dicas pra quem foi con... · 0 replies · +1 points

Poisé... O sistema eleitoral em si é muito bem estruturado e eficiente, só q na prática naum funciona. Talvez ele tenha sido feito por alguém honesto e depois a maracutaia caiu em cima.
Hoje é sábado, amanhã é o 1º turno, e parece q vai ter final de campeonato (de futibol claro!), vai dizer q é coincidência!! Povo vai ficar na festa a noite intera.

Se o brasilero tivesse pelo menos o conceito de civilização dos argentino ou no mínimo dos boliviano... mas aki o governo faz muito pior e o povo nunca reclama, político faz oq quer na cara dura pq sabe q naum vai acontecer nada, juiz vende decisão à vontade e ainda é apoiado.
Dizem q o povo do USA é alienado e controlado, falam mal do American Way of Life, mas e a forma q o brasilero é manipulado, a imagem falsa q é vendida lá for e pro próprio brasilero?

Desde ontem eu tô sem tomar banho, de tarde tava tanto calor q tive q passar desodorante pra parar de suar, amanhã vo votar nulo fedendo e de chinelo velho.