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15 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - God WILL Allow More Th... · 0 replies · +1 points
Flipping through the channels here on the internet, so to speak, I came across this glorious, much needed blog. God is sending many different events and people, as well as places of knowledge across my path right now. Some may know, my husband and I had a very hard time economically, last year. (If this is witnessing, i guess that's what I'm doing, but I hope what I'm about to say will help others) Freakishly, my leader of a ladies comm. group came across an announcement that Angela Thomas was going to be very near us, in January. John made some extra money one week, and bless him, he said you need to go to that; and I did. My life, since the 16th has taken another blessed, remarkable turn. I found out, even though I thought I was giving it all over to our Father, I wasn't. I tried what Angela suggested, and I got on my knees with my hands stretched up to heaven, and poured my heart out to God. I gave everything I had from our piggy bank to a very worth cause at GCC 2 weeks ago. Since then, job offers are coming in; I helped out at the Dunn Center with my 4 year old grand-son, who greatly impressed several students by the way; and Angela said if you're living on man-made resolutions to take care of mental short-comings (not in those exact words), you might want to think about giving it to God and let him help you out. As of Monday, I did that. I quit taking my man-made resolution, and I have 10000% faith that God is going to heal me. I've never felt like this before. It is not easy! AND IT IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY! But in my situation, God is healing the part of my brain that has the short-coming. But today, was extremely horrible for me and my Father sent people across my path to help me out and make suggestions. I am following the suggestion, and I have to tell you I'm at peace! I have to tell you, people, that if you are not giving it to our (yes our) Father, you're not going to make it coming out peaceful at the end. We can not! do this alone! GCC has helped me find that out! I have an intimate love with our Father and he is getting me through this. My dream desire of a mission I had given up on years ago, is now going to happen, because of some new missions that Grace will be encountering soon. Have you ever been so excited about something that you want to MAKE others get excited? That's the way I feel right now. I am so excited about my love for God, I want everyone out there to feel the same way. I had to fall on my face and body, before I realized I can't do it alone. And neither can you. Ron, God is greatly using you as one of the persons that will continue to cross my path with much needed, "next step lessons" I guess you could call it. I know you're up to the challenge. Thank you again, Ron