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15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Proposing Part 1: Why ... · 0 replies · +1 points
My man really loves comic books and has just created the first issue if his own (aptly named Romance is Dead' ) so a couple of years ago I thought about creating a little comic of my own and have the last page a drawing of us with me popping the question - being a procrastinator (not because I didn't want to finish it but lots of other crafty thing got in the way!) this is still not finished!
Although I'm not sure if I need to as he's hinted that he has also a plan...
But we could take inspiration from some of these other comments and both of us could propose...
15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Lee & Glen's Aussie, R... · 1 reply · +2 points
The parasol is such a cute idea.
You've definately inspired me!