


124 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - Married Men and Prosti... · 0 replies · +1 points

Why would you sue her? They entered an agreement, she kept up her side, and he paid. If he spent money that you feel was rightfully yours, sue him.

13 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - My experience with MD-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey dipshit, I did try to pay. Read the post.

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - The Picture of Sasha Grey · 0 replies · +2 points

Not to argue that there is no risk of orally transmitted STD's, but HIV is rarely transmitted orally.

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - My experience with MD-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Of course Bruce, the problem with our health care is the illegals. We need to take care of "our own". Right. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Bruce just might be one of those right wing assholes that spend their time worrying about "anchor baby's" and stupid shit like that. Illegals are not the problem with our health care industry.

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - Married Men and Prosti... · 0 replies · +2 points

First, I would have to ask why you\'re sharing anything about this with your 3-year-old daughter? All she would need to know is that he is living somewhere else for a short time. There is not reason to lessen her respect for her father for the sake of making you feel better. I can\'t imagine the damage you have done to this girl.

I\'m sorry if I seem judgmental on this, I usually try to sympathize with the wife who has been cheated on, but telling a 3-year-old girl that her father is someone who can\'t be might as well get her a pole to practice on, and an abusive alcoholic to start dating.

Second, if you\'re husband is really going through all this to make himself better, then maybe you should consider putting some effort in yourself. There is not doubt that he is the one who screwed this up, but it will take both of you to save the marriage.

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - Is my Husband Seeing P... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thanks for sharing that with us. At the risk of getting everyone pissed at me, I have to side with the hooker on this one. Why should she be out any legal fees when the husband was lying? I assume that since you worked it out with the husband, he helped pay the fees? I would say he\'s lucky she didn\'t sue for other damages since he directly lied to her. However lose the arrangement, it was an agreement between two people that involved money.

How long ago was this?

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - Is my Husband Seeing P... · 0 replies · 0 points

Jeff, I\'m not sure why you would post this. Regardless of the urges a man has, the impact to the spouse of someone cheating is the same. It leaves the other person feeling that they are unworthy in someway. And the lies that come with the cheating are not any less severe simply because guys get horny.

I agree that guys cheat for different reasons. And I even agree with you that when women cheat it is much more about the relationship. When guys cheat, it\'s often just because they have an urge to, or they have the opportunity. And hopefully sharing this with these women will help take away some of the sting. But to suggest men as less accountable for their actions is just wrong.

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - Brickwork India - Just... · 0 replies · +1 points

At this point I don\'t know why anyone would go offshore for this type of help. There are so many people here who need the work, you should be able to find talented American\'s that are happy to work for the same amount that Brickwork or GetFriday charge.

Simply post a job listing on Craigslist and start interviewing people. You can go local, or go a state with a lower income. Either way you end up with someone who can easily be on the same timezone as you, and speaks english clearly.

We are in the middle of one of the worst financial crisis to ever hit the United States. The best thing you can do is to put more American\'s back to work. Hire as many as you can afford.

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - Is my Husband Seeing P... · 0 replies · +2 points

I don\'t think contacting people in her life is really going to make you feel any better. Right now you have done nothing to be ashamed of; why not keep it that way? The high road is lonely, but it feels better in the end. Hopefully you can at least take your husband to the cleaners.

14 years ago @ Filthy Lucre | For The... - Is my Husband Seeing P... · 0 replies · 0 points

Maggie, first you have to chill out a bit. No one doubts that you\'re upset, but I think your anger should be more at your husband. If it wasn\'t this girl, it would have been someone else. Harming this woman will not make your husband less of a pig.

Now if you wanted to hurt a prostitute, you should focus on their income. Many men, maybe even your husband, check reviews for prostitutes at websites like TheEroticReview.Net, or BigDoggie. If you look for \"escort reviews\" in Google, you\'ll find a few places to check out. If you\'re husband, or any other person, had a bad experience with an escort, then this would be the place to post that info. A few bad reviews can drive an escort out of business. Obviously you want to make sure these are not false reviews. Just encourage people who have had a bad experience with the woman to post their review on the websites.