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15 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - 'Progressive' Warmongers · 0 replies · +1 points

This is the site which has has been hoisted to locate the dissdents.

15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Pakistan: 700 Militant... · 0 replies · +1 points

SWAT CONNECTION is like salzberg connection which gave the world the world jewish country,whose has yet to be legitimised.I can write a long article in defence of my theory that through a planned inventory,the fake Talibans,who in fact are hired mercenries to create a situation the local resident,majority of the are poor and live meager income from agricultural farming animal heards.They have litterly thrown out of their native,which was occupied by their ancestors for centuries.They have been treated worst than the Red Indians of Americas.If the editor this highly acclaimed desires then I can write more detailed article on this human tragedy of the new century.You will agree that each new century has unfolded a new tragedy for the defenceless creatures called human beings to live in total disarry and destitute for ever thereafter.

15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - Pakistan: 700 Militant... · 0 replies · +1 points

mr.tddly is 100 percent accurate.The pak government will keep on making funny about the cqsualties of taliban.Its total exageration of the.Can someone ask a question that why farthey waited for few thousands Taliban to take strategic hill tops,making it highly difficult for the army personnel to take over again.The crux of the matter is that it has been done intentionally to push the resident out of entire Swat.Then it will be handedover Agha Khan Karim to convert it to the first indepent country for his followers known as Ismailis or Agha khanis who will covert Swat into swiss like tourist resort for which agha karim has no dearth of money.God bless few millions Swatis to be lucky if it doesnt happen and their father land is retuned to the.Its another intrigue in world compareable to the creation of Israel.World be ware!

15 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - How the US Empire Cont... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mr,Eland and mr.Henry have raised many valid poinys aginst the ruthless paths adopted by the self centered politicians yesman administration,whp always search for means to squahder billions of dollars under illusions to obtain total supremacy over the poor countries through their most corrupt class of imprudent rulers.The present ruler in Afghanistan and Pakistan carries highly bad opinions about the abilities to perform and deliver the results in spite of the fact that billions of printed dollars without any backing of gold,help create highly inflated cost of living for poor masses in those countris.But there is little doubt that these rotten corrupt claas of politicians will ever be able to bring the results which suits us empire.Karzai of Afghanistan have constantly cheated after his american masters and Zari will prove to be worst than him.Save the world from these cheaters of the highest quality to earn respect.