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12 years ago @ Big Government - Palin: Romney Needs to... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wishing doesn't make it so, Addison. Look at the results of the primaries so far. Romney, even if he wins, is polling worse with Republicans than he did in 2008. And most national polls show "any Republican" with a better chance of beating Obama in November than Mitt Romney. Some Conservatives may reluctantly support him for lack of anyone better, but they don't love the guy.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Palin: Romney Needs to... · 3 replies · +1 points

"Most likely to be electable" is the refrain played by all of the inside-the-beltway Romney-Old-Guard-Republican elites over and over. O.K., the guy looks good in a tailored suit. And after he is elected, then what happens? Mitt Romney is not Conservative... look at his record, not at what he says (Politicians lie...). And the Conservative wing of the GOP is left at the altar again.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Palin: Romney Needs to... · 2 replies · +1 points

You know Mr. Adams, the nice thing about our Republic is that you can have your opinion and I can have mine and both of us can go to the polling place and vote. And, parenthetically, name-calling in what should be reasoned political discourse is the surest way not to make your point. I thought that kind of juvenile taunting was only for Democrats. And as a former Republican who left the Party in disgust because of GOP RINO, big-government "compassionate conservatism" and crony elitism and now self-labels as a Conservative I find it amusing. With people like you in the GOP practicing situational ethics it is only a matter of time until the GOP goes the way of the Whigs.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Palin: Romney Needs to... · 7 replies · -7 points

I am a principled Conservative voter. And I am damned tired of voting for the Republican elite-brokered "best of the worst". If Mitt Romney is the GOP's presidential candidate, RINO that he is, he will not get my vote, even if the alternative is Barak Obama for another 4 years... And if Conservatives manage to increase their presence in the House and take back the Senate it won't matter, because Obama will be a lame duck president, principally engaged in defending his unconstitutional actions during his first 4 year term and trying to keep his appointees and minions out of federal prison and himself unimpeached.

12 years ago @ - Clyburn: Newt Won SC B... · 0 replies · +11 points

Here's a "code word" for President Obama that has nothing to do with his race---which, by the way, is half-white and an African amalgam of Black and Arab---and that word is "incompetent".

12 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 5 replies · +59 points

Hilary Clinton and the other bozos in President Obama's State Department pushed the "Arab Spring" and slighted the possibility that Egypt could turn out to be anything but an enlightened secular democracy when the dust settled. They poo-pooed any warnings that the Muslim Brotherhood was a radical Islamist cult whose main objectives were Sharia law in Egypt and a repudiation of the peace treaty with Israel. Many of us thought they were wrong. Now all of us get to watch the disintegration of the nation of Egypt into a failed state filled with starving people and a resumption of war against Israel as it plays out on cable. Hey Dummies: told you so...

12 years ago @ - Matthews: Obamas Don't... · 0 replies · +2 points

You know, if all of the covered up malfeasance and scandal by the President and his band of merry Executive Branch appointees is too much to handle and the Obamas are not happy in the White House he can always resign and go back to being a "community organizer" in Chicago. Talk about a positive step to restore confidence in the country and the economy... The only downside is that Joe Biden would take his place.

12 years ago @ Big Peace - Celebrating The Annive... · 1 reply · +28 points

Che was a 3rd-rate revolutionary who later failed in Africa and in South America after helping Castro to bring Communism to Cuba. During and after the Cuban Revolution he routinely violated his Hippocratic Oath as a doctor to torture and execute political prisoners for Castro. A Spanish-speaking Argentinian city boy, he set out to foment revolution in the Bolivian mountains, not realizing that the native Bolivians in the mountains spoke Quechua, not Spanish. He and his merry band got lost, almost starved, and were finally tracked down by Bolivian Special Forces troops and killed. It is hard to discern how this loser got to be such a revolutionary icon.

12 years ago @ - Armed Services chairma... · 0 replies · +1 points

With the Obama Administration trying to cut military benefits like retirement and medical care, plus the end of DADT and the accession of openly gay men and women into the Services, the Draft may be our only option to keep the military at authorized strength. If reinstituted, we would probably have to go to the European model for pay---national minimum wage for 2-year draftees, and no promotions to NCO for draftees. That makes sense, as the military certainly wouldn't waste the time and money to do any specialist training for people only going to be around for 2 years. Almost all would be "leg" infantry or other entry-level equivalent. Specialist training and lengthy schools, NCO rank and current "all-volunteer" pay scales, would be reserved for people who either enlisted for an initial 4 or 6 year commitment or who "re-upped" from their initial 2-year service for an additional 4-6 years. Yes, it is doable, and perhaps not a bad idea.

12 years ago @ KLEW - Lewiston, ID - Moscow residents on tr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yippee skippy, Moscow residents are on track with water conservation. Yet right across the border 8 miles away we have the new golf course at WSU---which got approved in this water-scarce region by a classic "bait and switch" scam which purported to provide recycled gray water for its irrigation needs, and then after construction approval cut the plans for the gray water plant---pumping millions of gallons of water out of the same aquifer to keep the greens in shape and the fairways green. The relatively tiny amount of water used on a typical Moscow city lawn in the summer is paltry in comparison. And most students don't play there... The course is primarily for fat-cat alums and the local elites.