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11 years ago @ KTLA-TV - L.A. City Council Con... · 0 replies · +1 points

You all know that you already pay for it in the taxes you pay on gasoline right? Who are you more angry at the gas station owner about the price of fuel or the FACT that the FEDS, the STATE and the credit card companies all make more off the fuel than the gas station owner who takes all the abuse from the ignorant public.

12 years ago @ | Eyewitness ... - Cows eating candy duri... · 0 replies · +1 points

Or we could stop using ethanol in our gasoline so that the cows can eat instead of giving the newer fewer miles per gallon.

12 years ago @ - \'I still back Obama\'... · 0 replies · +2 points

Let's put this into context. Bush was by no means a great president but what did Congress do during those years and that was both a Republican or RINO controlled Congress and a Democratic controlled Congress. However, the main reasons that the Bush years ended with such a big crash is because of Clinton forcing the banks to lend to those people who could not afford to own a home. Obama and his croonies have just taken a bad situation and multiplied it by 10.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Taxpayers Paying For I... · 0 replies · +24 points

This madness has got to stop!!!

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Obama Pushes Global Tax · 0 replies · +2 points

Getting closer to the ten measures that need to happen to instill communism straight from the "Communist Manifesto." The Liberals almost have six of the ten, how close will those ignorant of what is happening let the Democratic Party get before they finally open up their mind enough to see the damage they have done?

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Obama’s Chief of Sta... · 0 replies · +1 points

Looks like Obama is sending all his staff to the same "lying teachers" that Carney goes to. It is hard to blatantly lie like that with a straight face and with such conviction, it truely is a talent.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Boehner Looking More L... · 0 replies · +12 points

You have drunk so much Kool-Aid that you are blinded to the truth. Your perception is far from reality. Someday I hope you wake up and see the error of your ways until then your blind faith will only bring you pain and misery. The problem is that we have to suffer through your failed leadership as well.

12 years ago @ - Merkel taking Europe i... · 0 replies · +1 points

Soros is only looking after himself and his pocket book. The whole world is changing and it is not looking good. What country will win? China seems to be in the lead at this time. Who will rise up and stop this madness?

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Holder Finally Speaks ... · 0 replies · +2 points

I would hope you are right. A major majority of the military says they will uphold the Constitution but there will be those that will follow the president. We have to believe that honor of the men and women in our armed forces means more to them than the men and women within our gov't.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Holder Finally Speaks ... · 0 replies · +5 points

This is par for the course for the Liberal Party. They don't like something so no one can have it. Take a look at Switzerland they have the highest gun ownership rate in the world and their crime rate is the lowest. Even a kindergardner can see the patern there. Holder isn't even remorseful the only reason he apologized is because he got caught. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Holder, Kegan and a host of others need to be removed from our gov't and put away for life.