


16 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - Report From My First S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sounds like it was a great event, Dan. I'm glad to see the rest of your audience sounds as appreciative of what you do as I am. I would have loved to attend, but I'm still recuperating from a car accident I was in last spring. Hopefully, you'll do another in the future when I'm back up and running. Thanks for all you do.

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - The Secret Behind The ... · 2 replies · +1 points

Napoleon Hill may have been a little cuckoo by the end, but W. Clement Stone was definitely someone worth learning from. His life story and his "Success System That Never Fails" are both chock full of the real secrets to success. I'll give you a hint. He was all about GOYAAKOD.

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - The Secret Behind The ... · 0 replies · +1 points

"An unbalanced force."

I think that's a pretty good label for entrepreneurs. We do have to be somewhat unbalanced to step up and attempt to run our own show. Some more than others. :)

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - Contrarian Success · 0 replies · +1 points

I can't wait to read that one. I have two toddlers and knew before the first was born that we would be homeschooling them. The oldest is still over a year away from being of school age, so we haven't started getting much flak yet. We're ready for it, though.

Remembering my experience firsthand, and reading the research done by individuals like John Taylor Gatto are fuel enough to keep me fighting against the same thing happening to my kids.

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - My Simple Secret To Ma... · 1 reply · +1 points

I remember hearing in an interview Michel Fortin did with Gary Halbert that Gary was on the look out for a cell phone that did one thing. Take calls. Well, I think I found it. It technically does SMS text messaging, but you can request that your carrier turn those off. I can't believe I am lusting after a $23 phone, but after the time wasting experience of owning a smart phone... I am ready to dive back into that glorious past where phones are phones, and people get shit done because they're not distracted by the latest tweet or facebook update.

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - Cancer Sucks! · 0 replies · +1 points

So glad to hear everything turned out well. Thanks for keeping all of us updated.

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - Rookie Copywriter Beat... · 0 replies · +1 points

Y'know, I've really enjoyed your videos this past month. The best part? They're short and stay to the point. I love a guy who can stay as pithy on camera as he can in text.

I'm thinking about your trip under the knife this week, and hoping it goes well. I expect it will. And the surgeon will likely need to sharpen his scalpel afterward.

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - The Secret Of My Succe... · 2 replies · +1 points

Unprofitable campaigns are not failures. They're just more data for the spreadsheet. And I'm better equipped when approaching future campaigns.

Of course, saying that and believing it without faltering are two entirely different things. Getting my ass handed to me and acknowledging that that is what happened is good once in a while, too. Character building, as they say.

Thanks, Dan.

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - The YouTube 30-Day Cha... · 2 replies · +1 points

I like that you went with the zi8. Does your lavalier mic hook straight into it, or is it a wireless set up?

14 years ago @ Doberman Dan - The YouTube 30-Day Cha... · 2 replies · +1 points

Apparently cancer didn't take notice of all the other sorry sons of bitches who've tried to make trouble in your life. You'll whoop cancer's ass the same way you seem to dispatch every other obstacle you've faced in your life.

I haven't even met you and I know that's true. Be sure to celebrate your victory by hitting up a karaoke bar.