The EPA has been adding shackles to the American People for way too many years and needs to be out OUT OF BUSINESS before they put everyone else out of business.
Ron Paul is hated by both the democrat and Republican Establishments as well as the News Medias. They ALL demonize Him because they know He will expose them All for what they did to the American People and America.Ron Paul is still in the running for President and the Medias will not cover Him unless they can twist the truth or demonize Him because they have already picked Romney for the American People from day one. Ron Paul can stand on His past record and will tell the American People the TRUTH even if it costs Him the election. Romney and Obama can not run on their record and will say whatever it takes to win and will even lie to the American People. The Medias makes it look like Ron Paul is not in the running. The people that has the voting power of a delegate will decide who the nominee will be. The delegate voters are free vote the way they want to in Tampa if they have not already been bought and paid for by Romney. If you know any of the delegate voters, you may want to educate them on what will happen if Romney or Obama ruins America for the next 4 years. First you will need sift through all the propaganda and go with true facts. Ron Paul will CUT spending over $1,000,000,000,000.00 in His first year while Romney will raise the debt ceiling another few $100,000,000.00 and Obama would raise it another $2,000,000,000,000.00. Ron Paul is the only one running that will restore America while the others will complete the destruction of America after the election. If you want to end America as you know it, then vote Romney and if you just want to see the end of America, then vote Obama.
It is not about Jobs, Towns, Cities, Counties or States. It is about Obama's CHANGE we CAN NOT believe in. It is THE NEW WORLD ORDER, AGENDA 21 and THE UNITED NATIONS calling the shots through Obama and His Administration using the GREEN EPA as a means to bring it all about. It has been in the works for many years by slowly adding many GREEN IDIOT people into ALL US American Government Agencies, Schools, Businesses, cities, towns, counties and States. They use Governors, Mayors and most all local elected officials across America to sign on without questioning the GOVERNMENT MANDATES or facts.They are buying into it while shackling the American People against their will and removing OUR RIGHTS using OUR TAX DOLLARS to do it with. Only RON PAUL will tell the American People the truth while the others running for the highest office in the land are in it up to their neck.
150,000 heat related deaths by 2099 is not so bad as long as they are all Environmentalists.
It is time for the American People to TAKE CHARGE of ALL Government money and STOP ALL the freeloading ,wasting and outright stealing of tax dollars by the very people YOU ELECT. Charles of Waveland, MS.
The UN and the EPA are both polluting the WORLD with their BS.
The EPA uses your tax dollars against YOU by adding more and more shackles that will always cost YOU more and more, plus it stops progress while trying to put YOU back into the stone age. Obama is using the EPA to help bring about His Change WE CAN NOT BELIEVE IN. The United Nations is running the New World Order which is being forced on mankind and putting us in shackles after it destroys our economy. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK, so get ready to pay even MORE after the elections, because both parties will not tell you the truth until after the elections. Ron Paul WILL and has been telling the truth. That is why Ron Paul is demonized for it by both Parties and the News Medias. The Medias do not even tell the people that RON Paul is still running for President because they are in bed with both Parties spreading propaganda to keep the TRUTH from YOU, the American People. They are going to have to face the truth SOON and maybe the American People will see through all the propaganda and vote Ron Paul instead of THE STATUS QUE. Both Obama and both Parties are on board with the United Nation's:New World Order. Ron Paul is the only one that is rejecting it and will restore America also restore YOUR FREEDOMS. I also believe if the American people pick Ron Paul that nether Party or the News Media will want to except the People's choice because they ALWAYS pick who they want like in the past,then demonize who they don't want. So there may be assassination tempts on RON PAUL and it may come down to that because Ron Paul will expose All of them for what they have done to the American people including putting America over $16, 000,000,000,000.00 in debt with nothing to show for it. Now they want YOU to vote them back into office for doing a bad job. Charles of Waveland, MS.
Their TEMPER AND HOT HEADS causes 90% of Global Warming. What will they do when Ron Paul cuts off their EPA tax Money ?
Your Tax Dollars At Work------Against YOU-------Government Of The Government By The Government And For The Government.