Chris Latko

Chris Latko


60 comments posted · 2 followers · following 5

11 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - Phoobox - An MVC Versi... · 0 replies · +3 points

I have added a few things today and will continue to update the project as I can. I have found that fusebox with php is a great combo for a micro framework. Let me know if you have any questions.

12 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - Phoobox - An MVC Versi... · 0 replies · +3 points

Yes, it was the shoehorning and the lack of real separation of logic and display that gave me the creeps. I did the best I could to make the PHP version entirely object oriented. I tried Ruby in the early days of Rails and found it too rigid in its convention over configuration. This has changed dramatically over the years, so I ended up really liking the flexibility/power the framework has to offer and the conciseness of the language.

12 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - My Twitter Following · 0 replies · +1 points

I have more private networks that I have my friends on. For the most part, the accounts that have massive followings are for broadcasting stuff I find interesting.

13 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - My Twitter Following · 2 replies · +1 points

It opens some doors and provides me with a little marketing muscle when needed.

13 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - Tumblr Integration · 0 replies · +2 points

Yes. In the end I had to contact Tumblr and have them take a look. They told me my feed was fine and they had to reimport it from their side to get it to work. No documentation.

14 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - Tumblr Integration · 2 replies · +2 points

No, but I have done some XML->RSS->Tumblr work and found out how brittle Tumblr is.. I'll work on this when I get time and post about it.

14 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - A US iPhone 4 In Japan · 0 replies · +2 points

No. If I'm willing to part with a bunch of money, there are a few good solutions. I think Softbank will eventually come out with a micro SIM card, but they are severely lagging. Once I do decide on something, I will update this post..

14 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - A US iPhone 4 In Japan · 0 replies · +2 points

The voice options here are horrible, but I think I can grab a prepaid at the convenience store and take a scissors to it.. In the meantime, my 415 number will almost get to my phone (will text me).

14 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - H.264 vs. WebM · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the comment. I never said Apple was stupid and was not being sarcastic with any of the comments regarding Apple. They are taking a pragmatic approach to the situation and I would expect nothing less of them.

As a licensee of the technology, Apple can toss H.264 into Safari and not have to worry about anything. If they went with WebM, there are the potential of submarine patents or a new patent pool by the MPEG-LA. MPEG-LA would much rather go after an Apple or a Google than a Mozilla.

What I fail to mention in this piece is that any company that provides the coder or decoder in their product has to pay royalties. These royalties would then pass along the FOSS chain as forks could not become sublicensees, they would have to license directly with MPEG-LA. With this new (to me) information, Mozilla is taking the only route available to them - WebM.

I'm not sure if Apple's adoption of H.264 is going to cause the negative externalities you mention. They could join with Microsoft in tossing H.264 out the window and standing up for WebM, but what is there to gain by that? If I were a shareholder of either company, I would expect them to do exactly what they currently are doing, supporting H.264.

14 years ago @ Dreaming Of Beetles - Setting Up Django With... · 0 replies · +3 points

What version of apxs are you using?