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15 years ago @ Vegan on the Cheap - You can\'t be a meat-e... · 1 reply · +1 points
As for vegetarians not eating anything that was once alive, that may be true, but vegetarians still contribute to animal death and suffering by consuming animal products. The dairy industry feeds the veal industry; every time you drink milk, you are contributing to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of baby cows who spend the entirety of their short lives chained into pens that are too small for them to turn around in. Large commercial egg farms destroy any male chickens that hatch, since they can't be used to produce more eggs; suffocating them in trash bags and putting them through feed grinders are some of the preferred methods of "disposing" of the "unusable stock." Any time you use a product that was tested on animals, you are paying money to companies that unnecessarily subject animals to torture and death on a daily basis. If, in your mind, being conscious of these things and doing what I can to speak out against them and avoid contributing to the problem is "taking shit way too seriously," you are welcome to that opinion.
To me, it simply means that I'm compassionate and that I'm willing to stick to my convictions, even when it's not convenient or easy to do so.
15 years ago @ HijiNKS ENSUE - A Geek... - @shittheyputonTV · 0 replies · +1 points
Also, I heard TFLN is also getting a show. Or was it FML? I dunno. One of those. Either way, it sounds pretty awful.
16 years ago @ Attack of the Sugar Mo... - Sample · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ Shoe Smitten - Help Me Pick! Shubi Bags · 0 replies · +1 points
My three pattern picks are the pink/white blossoms, turquoise/black blossoms, and the cherry/white polka dot. I'd probably get the one-piece, since I'm cheap. XD The stuffers are a great idea, too, though!