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15 years ago @ - Is Propellerheads Reco... · 1 reply · +1 points

I ask you to think about this carefully. Today a used SSL 9000 recording console mixer (hardware console) is pricing on e-bay from $90,000 - $150,000. This same SSL 9000 mixer is now the main brains behind the recording virtue and sound of propellerhead Record. I do not know what mixing console pro-tools and the others are using. Yet, you can assume that in the larger studio's some version of the SSL 9000 hardware console is being used as a pro-tools production tool. You can also safely assume that propellerhead noticed this concept and expounded upon it as a way to market the first professional non-plug-in recording software. Even though Record is for anyone; non-engineer or novice. The typical musician or the advanced pro. Yet, the engineering that went into the algorithm interfacing of propellerhead Record alone is a site to behold. Record is not only an extension of Reason 4; it is an extension of some of the most expensive Mastering hardware being used today in the major recording studios. Pro-Tools LE with all components and sound cost from $3,800-$4,200 to get started. The Pro-Tools professional studio will start at from $10,000 -(+-$100,000). Now, how do you get this same professional sound for your own studio? There is only one answer to this question regarding quality sound, quality mixing, quality mastering and quality production at an un-heard of price. Thus, the Record / Reason interface in fact will challenge the Pro-Tools standard. Musicians will indeed have at least a second choice for their projects. "Propellerhead Record" 'Yeah'!
Duce Out!

15 years ago @ - Is Propellerheads Reco... · 0 replies · +1 points


Propellerhead's Record is not just a Daw or a Recording System for musicians. It is both, and a lot more. Combinators can stack within combinators. There is no need for plug-in's because the system interface is too complex. The primary function is to Record & import wave files simply on the fly, quickly, efficiently, and with optimal quality. This is Record in a nutschell. Yet, going beyond the basics for those musicians who have the understanding to interface record and reason as both individual standalone work stations and as a combined interface of sound logic processing unparalleled within today's music industry, is just the tip of the ice-berg. Record is the new find of quality sound recording for both the inexperienced and advanced rocker individual musicians or bands. Yes, Pro Tools, Sonar,
and other Daws have great sound. Yet, they all have to have plug-ins to produce these high quality sound recordings. Thus, Record is the pioneer of the new non-plug-in based interfaced software that provides powerful Reason interface for not only unlimited recording tracks, but unlimited productive sound creativity. The musican / producer / sound designers' dream come true. 'Propellerhead Record'; as simple as turn on, plug in, hit record and rock; to the complex interfacing of quality mixing and mastering sound development, and intricate sound design for the recording, motion picture, commerical advertising, television, and video game industries. Yes, i am a beta tester, and loving every minute of it!
Duce Out!
2SO4 Publishing