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15 years ago @ Original A... - The Israel Lobby Celeb... · 0 replies · +3 points

Dont hold yr breath waiting for that fair and open trial
I'm still waiting for a fair and open investigation of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
LBJ personally called back the U.S. jet fighters going to the Liberty's rescue

Where will this all end? In disaster for an isolated and reviled U.S and Israel, unless the U.S. wises up and dumps Israel like it did Chiang's gang on Formosa

15 years ago @ Original A... - Fool Me Twice · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice piece Mr. Giraldi, but you're singing against the wind
The Lobby has all the media and Congress sewed up
Mebe we shld take the $5 billion we give Israel evy yr and persuade the Taliban, like the Sunnis in Anbar province, to stop fighting
Sort of a money 'surge'.
Dollars dont bleed, as U.S. GIs are doing and will continue to do
I repeat : Obama is an empty suit and the suit was bought by Abe Foxman

15 years ago @ Original A... - Out of Iraq, Into the ... · 0 replies · +1 points

With all these new bases in the Middle East, the U.S. doesn't need Israel militarily any more.
Which was the whole reason the Brits and we created that carbuncle -- to, first, guard the Canal, and, later, the oil fields.
Remember how lightly we dropped 'Nationalist' China and Chiang's heirs?
You can bet the Israelis do

15 years ago @ Original A... - Should Obama Fire Gen.... · 0 replies · +2 points

Obama looks weaker every day - an empty suit and the suit was bought by Abe Foxman.
But I'm starting to feel sorry for him - and worry about his safety
The rightwing nutties are creating a dangerous climate
Why the hell did he want that job?

15 years ago @ Original A... - The Trial of the Centu... · 0 replies · +4 points

Regarding the single bullet theory in the JFK murder, the bullet is supposed to have gone thru the back of JFK's neck and hit Connally. But the autopsy photos dont show any hole in the back of the neck.
However, there is a hole 6 inches down and to the right in the shoulder, which is all bone and muscle.

15 years ago @ Original A... - Same Song, Different V... · 0 replies · +2 points

The Old Testament crowd arent traitors. They're just scared, as usual, and with good reason.
Their walls are trembling
As Abe said (not Foxman) you cant fool all the peepul . . . .(Foxman thinks you can)

15 years ago @ Original A... - The Winds of Change Di... · 0 replies · 0 points

When is the latest Jewish spy - that nuclear physicist - going on trial?
Havent heard much about that fellow lately in the media -- surprised?
Or will they delay it to death as with the AIPAC spies?
Ah, to be chosen

15 years ago @ Original A... - Myths of Our Time · 1 reply · +1 points

A friend sed to me recently:

"isnt it awful to realize that we really are the Great Satan?'

We've been butchering people for 200 years. The Nazis only had 12.

15 years ago @ Original A... - The Winds of Change Di... · 0 replies · 0 points

Nobody mentions the economic value of Afghanistan. Too marxist?
The ousted Brit diplomat of one of the Stans sed it's all about the natural gas pipeline that Unocal wants to build through that dump. By the bye, an Afghan honcho with Unocal is now U.S. ambassador to the UN, with rumor abroad that he might take Karzai's job
And also a strategic factor: encircling the Russkies (the cold war is not over - ask Putin) and those pesky Chinese

15 years ago @ Original A... - Same Song, Different V... · 0 replies · +2 points

If Obummer, Hillarious and Bidet are always traveling, who's watching the store?
Is there any Rahm for doubt?
There are strong rumors that Rahmie served in Israeli intelligence during first Gulf war and did not spend his time polishing hubcaps in an army parking lot, as he tells the fawning media.