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12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Gene Simmons: Romney S... · 0 replies · 0 points

I think at this point when our country is on the verge to become Greece the personal life of the potential nominee is less important than his convictions and drive to save our country. Being a moderate and "working with democrats" wouldn't cut it! Look where it got us so far. The definition of insanity is pressing same buttons and expecting different results.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Gene Simmons: Romney S... · 0 replies · 0 points

Not to discount the fact that Romney stated on teenage abortions if the pearents forbid he will favor the courts to decide!!!!!! And that is a CONSERVATIVE?
How do we know Mitt is lying? His lips are moving! I wouldn't trust anything he says at this point...he was very upset that Norm Coleman spilled the to speak...

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Gene Simmons: Romney S... · 0 replies · 0 points

The critics would have something to say even if The Crist himself would run for president!

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Gene Simmons: Romney S... · 0 replies · -1 points

Romney sure comes close....he is way too timid and will not raffle feathers, one eye always on press and independents

12 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 0 replies · +3 points

All it is- MISSION Accomplished! It isn't by accident- rather by Design!

12 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 0 replies · +3 points

Hey, our borders are open- you can move to ANY country you may think is better...starting from Russia, Cuba....and don't count on foodstamps or welfare there- you don't have a job you starve to death !

12 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 0 replies · +5 points

WEll, but it does make haven't realized I emphathized the word "Treasonous administration." what they are doing on purpose as far as I am concerned are destroying our country and making it possible for Muslim world ( who Obama quite obvously belongs to) to eventually take over after our once most powerful country in the world was put on it's knees!!!!

12 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 0 replies · +13 points

Because there is D after her name!..........

12 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 4 replies · +11 points

Hillary Clinton is friends with Anthony Weiner's (remember him!!) mother-in-law who is very active and is on board with Muslim Brotherhood group , Hillary had been in direct contact with them as well. (the info was available on Google during Weiner scandal)....
If this is in not the most treasonous administration I don't think what is, however you wouldn't hear a word from the media.....and that is the scariest part of all....
Unfortunately the actions of this administration lead not only to the destruction of our country but more dangerous world as well....Irah wouldn't be the only country acquiring nuclear weapons but the surrounding countries as well...and then sooner or later one of thos e counties will use isn't IF is WHEN....and in the same time our country is cutting the defence budget!!! Does it make any sense?