


31 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Late lane merges annoy... · 0 replies · +4 points

People need to realize, just because they do not use good time management and plan to drive through traffic, it does not make them "more important" than everyone else that has to deal with the same problem. Wait your turn and use your brains!

14 years ago @ - Missing 3rd-grader fou... · 2 replies · -1 points

The article states that the child went to the principal's office and then left to go to the bathroom. Probably did not want to be there and left on purpose, most kids are not going to the principal's office for fun. Unless, of coruse, they are sick and waiting for a parent to pick them up. It is the responsibility of the school to make sure that children are safe while there and properly supervised. If I were the parent, I would be angry with my child but even angrier with the school for letting this happen!

14 years ago @ - Stokes Law awaits Gran... · 0 replies · +4 points

blackflagged-great comment lol!
Jfgr-H1N1 is offered for free at the Kent County Health Department clinic locations, i.e 700 Fuller . Seasonal flu shots have not been available for some time now due to a shortage but many are covered by insurance and Medicaid.

14 years ago @ - Mom-surrenders baby to... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can see what you are saying. Putting a child into the system does not guarantee a great life. Yes, I have thought about the father in this situation. Although I may not know the intimate details of this woman's situation, I do believe that an involved father would know that she is "missing" and would still need to give his permission before the child could be given up for adoption legally. Therefore, the father still has rights and can claim the child. The mother, also, can reclaim the child. I offer support to a woman who turned her child over to people working under a law was inacted to prevent children from being abandoned under dangerous, life threatening circumstances. Lives have been saved by this law. You are right, I don't see the future and know that this child will have a perfect life if placed up for adoption but I do know that the child is alive and that is a better start than being left out in the cold. A situation, such as this one, can be difficult for any child, of any race but it could also work out wonderfully and I think we both hope that it will be the latter.

14 years ago @ - Mom-surrenders baby to... · 0 replies · -1 points

Obviously the mother made her decision based on the resources that she had (or did not have) available to her. She had her reasons for making the choice that she did. You do not know anything more about her than we do. People that post comments on here that commend the mother, do so because she decided that she could not care for her child, that much is clear and chose an option that put her child before herself. Ideally, your solution of asking for help from family, friends and the father, would be the best option but that is not always the case. This story could have easily been another tragic one that we hear about in the news. Putting her down for her choices regarding her baby is judgemental of you. If there is a loving, responsible father in the picture, he can still step forward and claim the baby.

15 years ago @ - Mom: \'I don\'t know i... · 0 replies · +5 points

This sounds earily similar to that recent case where the mom (Casey something..) told a bunch of lies to the police about her missing daughter and knew the whole time where she was. This makes no sense and therefore one of the parents is likely lying. It was good that cps took the baby away and I hope that is permanent. A the very least mom is not making good decisions (taking up with an abusive drug user with no thought of her daughter's safety and getting pregnant again.) I too, hope that the little girl is found safe and soon as well as placed in a safe home.

15 years ago @ - Man arrested for drugs... · 0 replies · +3 points

Sheesh! Another well written News 8 story! "she somehow pushed the screen out and fell onto a car in the driveway of the home near on Straight Avenue near Fulton Street and fell from there onto the ground." Nice. Sad for the little girl, I am glad her health is improving!

15 years ago @ - Poll: Obama, Granholm ... · 0 replies · +4 points

I would be lying if I said that i am not feeling the warm fuzzy feeling of satisfaction right now. I was pretty sure from the start that Jenny and her friend Obama would be bad for the people and even worse for our children as they inherit that is being incurred right now. So I guess that hope and change is not working out so well. The only hope and change I am waiting for is the next election and I think we will be "blown away"by the change of the tides as people support a different kind of presidential candidate in next time to hopefully undo the damage that is being done!

15 years ago @ - 2 dead after shooting ... · 3 replies · +3 points

Sad story for sure. Hate to point this out but Mr. Mark Thompson, "accused of shooting a couple in its apartment" is not proper grammer. I would expect a higher level of grammatical skills if you work for a news station. How about "a couple in their apartment." Time to take that English class and practice our pronouns!

15 years ago @ - Thousands dine at GR h... · 1 reply · +4 points

If you are going to make a point, at least make it valid. I can see not wanting to encourage "riding the system" but not giving money to Mel Trotter because they allow anyone who wants to attend to come to their community meals is rediculous! Don't be so quick to judge. A lot of people attend these meals for the companionship of others, not just for free food. Even if they have money, who cares? It is about celebrating what we are all thankful for, not checking everyone's financial status before they can attend a community meal. That is what community meal means, there now you learned something new.