6p4 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0
16 years ago @ Paul Kedrosky: Infecti... - Map of FDIC-Seized Banks · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ Coverville - How about a little fir... · 0 replies · +1 points
I had my doubts about the mixed shows, until I saw Tommy's suggestion that the requests would be the "opening act" and that Tina would come on stage for the encore.
The mixed shows are an opportunity for a contest. Take a request that "opened for" a theme show, and explain how it fits in with the theme. If you got really carried away with this, you could do it like hi-lo poker. Prize for the most elegant and concise explanation, and prize for the most convoluted and rambling.
All the best to you, your work, your family, and in your efforts to balance them.
16 years ago @ Paul Kedrosky: Infecti... - Stephen Schwarzman: Bl... · 1 reply · +1 points
The people at fault here are those who made the loans, those who packaged them into securities, and, most of all, those who bought them without diligence. Are these people poor? Only if they are being paid what they are worth....
16 years ago @ Coverville - Coverville 487: Check ... · 0 replies · +1 points