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14 years ago @ - Man arrested over Twit... · 1 reply · +1 points

This post should effectively negate my poignant, eloquent and well-informed earlier post.
Thanks for pointing out ignorance and truth!
I usually ignore the rest of a comment the second I see name calling and personal attacks, but in this case thank you for pointing that out. I didn't know there was a Northern Ireland, so I learned something today. I can't ever remember hearing specific mention of it on any news channel.
Although you have to cut us 'Americans' some slack. We've been editing out other countries' existence for quite some time. 'American' seems to translate to those from the US, when there is obviously North, South and Central America. North America seems to imply the US and sometimes Canada when we refer to it unless somebody explicitly needs to blame Mexico. When we speak of the people of America, its' usually in reference to a certain class of a certain group of people that are somehow 'representative' of us. It's sort of a bad habit.

So, on behalf of America, and by America, I mean the 3% of vocal, elected representatives that loosely represent about 23% of the general population of one of the three countries in North American with a median income between $75,000-$200,000 dollars a year; and by behalf, I mean I do not actually represent or have any consensus of said populace but as they are less likely to view your post or reply to it, shall constitute as 'in lieu of', I say:
"Our Bad".

14 years ago @ - Man arrested over Twit... · 0 replies · +1 points

Statistically speaking, I'm curious about the number of 'Terrorists' that announce their intent of destruction based on lousy service or inconvenience instead of some altruistic / Jihad-ist / Mandated / Political - Gestapo - Koran - Bible backed 'Righteous and Necessary Act'.
Seriously, how many Terrorists announce they are going to blow up a Burger Joint via Social Networks because someone messed up their 'special order - mustard only' value meal? Unless the NSA / Mi5 has information that 'Add Bacon' is really the code word for 'Death to all [enter name of race / sect / division etc]', then this looks more like an arrest made by Inspector Clouseau than a valid Anti-Terrorism measure. That IMHO demeans us all.

Terrorism is based on fear, and now we need to fear making the most obvious of hyperbole? Is our answer to defeating the terrorist hyper-sensitive reactionary persecution?

If either of these two parties employed a modicum of common sense none of this would ever have seen the light of day.

Now to show you that I do understand that 'things happen', Do you recall that guy who worked at the Airport in Denver CO and got caught driving to New York in that car a few months ago? He bought those materials at a beauty supply shop that used to be the Skating Rink I went to as a kid not 5 minutes drive from my house, so I understand that things really can happen in your neighborhood, but the evidence on him was a lot more tangible than an angry random twitter post.

14 years ago @ - Man arrested over Twit... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sadly I think the world is laughing at us.

14 years ago @ Mariah Carey Express -... - Mariah Carey's be... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm not a big fan of speeches at award ceremonies, but that was excellent. 'Vision of Love' was my first cassette in my brand new Sony Walkman with Megabass! That sounds so funny now. I wish her continued success.

14 years ago @ Fund My Mutual Fund - ... - US News & World Report... · 1 reply · +1 points

Since the 401k fizzled, I've been a Tax Cert guy, but some of these actually look quite interesting.

15 years ago @ Home | FOX 43 TV | WVBT - Kidcaster: Jacob, 9 ye... · 0 replies · +1 points

Congratz Jacob! Predicting the weather in Virginia Beach is a tough job! When you get your Monster-truck, just don't let dad pick the color :)