


8 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Jennifer & Hugo's kilt... · 0 replies · +1 points

And where did you find your gorgeous dress? Everything about your wedding is so fantastic! Congratulations!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Ann & Sean's comic boo... · 1 reply · +1 points

This wedding is so awesome! I especially love the detailing on the car! I must also agree with the previous posts about how amazing the bridesmaids' spears and your cloak are. Did you purchase these items, or did you make them? Congratulations on a wedding full of win!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Second Edition of Offb... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is your book available in-store anywhere in Missouri? My fiance and I have been looking for it for a long time, but no one seems to have it in stock. And between the mysterious virus lurking on my computer and the cost of shipping and handling, I always prefer to purchase things in person. I get to venture out of the house that way, too! So exciting!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Weird wedding survival... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've also seen them on www.thinkgeek.com, which is also the absolute best source for any of your geeky needs. (Did someone say ninja star push pins???)

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Alison & Heather's DIY... · 1 reply · +1 points

I love the lantern. Where did you get it? I'm thinking of having my bridesmaids carry lanterns with candles in them, and the one you have pictured is the style I was thinking of. Congrats on a beautiful wedding!

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Getting your offbeat g... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm having difficulty getting much input from my fiance as well. We've decided we want a winter wedding after I finish college. That will likely put our shindig in early 2012 or, more likely, late 2012/early 2013. We've been engaged almost a year already, and we still don't have a date or month set! And I've barely managed to get much planning done with him. So far all we have is a season, a tentative guest list (but no addresses for anyone yet), and a small facet of decorations planned out. (I'm making quilled snowflakes. Very pretty! And the fiance loves them too! We can't guarantee snow where we live, so we'll be stringing up our own!)

Whenever I try to work on some wedding plans with him, he usually says something along the lines of, "It's sooo far away! I don't want to think about it." I know that he's right; the wedding is quite a long way off, so we don't need everything planned out to a T right now. But at the same time, I can't sit down and plan everything at one shot while I'm having to study for school, and I don't want to just sit on my hands for the next 3 1/2 years and have halls and venues and service providers book up. And I'm just so excited that even though I can't marry him right this minute (which we would both love, but know we can't do for many reasons), I can't stop thinking about our wedding and how we can make our special day wonderful. Our wedding isn't just about me. I want his input and need his help. I'm just not sure how to get those things without coming off as naggy or irritating him to the point of frustration.

Anyone have any advice for this type of situation?

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Dance-free wedding rec... · 0 replies · +1 points

Our friends were married a little over a year ago. They had a small guest list with very few people who wanted to dance. They had an ipod and a dance area and did a choreographed ballroom number that was quite sweet. After their first dance, they turned on the three tvs their closest friends hauled in (my FH included) and had Super Smash Brothers, Rock Band, and Dance Dance Revolution going all night. Many of the guests were the gamer type, including the bride and groom. Those that weren't up for gaming seemed quite content with mingling, and the ipod stayed on in case anyone still wanted to dance (though no one did).

My FH loved this idea, and since all of the gamers that were at our friends' wedding will be invited to ours as well, we plan to follow suit. My family and I are a bit more into the usual dancing though, so we plan on having all the usual dances and the fun ones as well. I'll be traveling between both areasto be sure I spend time with everyone.

I'm also debating a photobooth, but the wedding's still too far away to know what kind of budget we have to work with. (2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years or so. We want a winter wedding in the snow, but I'm finishing college first.)

15 years ago @ Offbeat Bride - Brides in glasses · 2 replies · +2 points


A friend of mine wore glasses with her birdcage veil. She had a 1950s tea length dress (from a thrift store--so awesome!) with a lavender sash and the big dark, retro frames that are so popular now. She also wore a flower in her hair (might've been a peony, as it was a largish bloom) and had white lace gloves to complete the look.

I wish I knew how to add pictures so I could show you!