


159 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Our Enemies, the Israelis · 0 replies · +1 points

You are working overtime hasbara troll! Did you just get a payday from more embellished american tax dollars?

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Our Enemies, the Israelis · 0 replies · +1 points

Here! Here!

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - The Snitch Syndrome · 0 replies · +12 points

I have officially lost all respect i had for wired, then again the more i think about their editorial content and non tech related content, it has always been horrible.

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Israel's Flotilla 'Inv... · 2 replies · +4 points

We all know we can never depend on israel to do an impartial proper investigation into themselves, seriously who do they think they're fooling?

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Many Voices Singing On... · 1 reply · +9 points

No surprises here, A+ Phil, the Zionists will not stop until they are stopped, or until this country has been sucked dry of everything of value. If you don't tow the line for israhell then you don't succeed in politics. If you don't think "islamofascists" are the most dangerous threat to the world, then you need not apply. I personally think everyone who puts israel's "security" and interests before America should be hanged or put in front of a firing squad. There are no repercussions for spying on this country or putting israel first, if it was any other country you spied for or put first, you would spend life in prison.

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - North Korea and Israel... · 0 replies · +3 points

theres our bloodthirsty megaphoney ziotards! i've wondered what slimy rock you filth have been under (and by filth im NOT callling all jews filth, just retarded zionists and zionist apologists) what planet do you live on where you think ANY of that is true??? of course he has to pay his due fealty to the zionist lobby (obomba) because they control the lame stream media, hollywood and our entire congress/senate. (by either blackmail, brainwashing or a combination thereof) israels 5000 year history? wow you really do suckle at the teat of delusion!! no where on this earth is there evidence that israel is any older than 62 years old! no the rest of the world does NOT support israel, many governments do because the zionist disease has infiltrated all of their countries leadership as well. the leaders of each country generally do NOT represent their people, and unfortunately large chunks of each respective populations are too stupid to realize it.

thats the hard part, telling if you are one of those idiots that just believes everything the media tells them and is willfully ignorant or if you are a megaphoney plant that is spreading completely fabricated disinformation. peddle your lies and nonsense somewhere else, most of the readers here aren't buying it.

you are a PERFECT example of "people seeing what they want to see" pot kettle black. you are completely devoid of any grip on reality.

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - North Korea and Israel... · 0 replies · +2 points

that guy clearly sees what he wants to see and nothing more!

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - North Korea and Israel... · 0 replies · +5 points

yeh israel has NEVER been an ally. do you spy on your allies? do you massacre people on one of your allies ships (USS Liberty) in an effort to get your "ally" to bomb egypt? do you send agents from your spy agency to film and celebrate national tragedies (9-11) (showing at very least- knowledge prior to the attack, and at most complicity in the attack itself)

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Loose Lips on Iran Can... · 0 replies · +1 points

the problem is, there is no evidence they are even attempting to acquire "the bomb" part of me wished they would for exactly this outcome. if iran DID have nukes they would have a veritable deterrent to keep israel and their attack dog (the US) on a tighter leash. ideally obama grows a spine and a pair and actually obeys the law as set by the symington amendment. everyone knows israel has nukes, its not even remotely a secret- every last penny of our tax dollars that goes to israel is 100% illegal. if obama wasn't such a pathetic coward he would withold this extorted money and the socialist apartheid parasite that is israel would collapse. We get to spend our tax money on things that actually benefit our country AND the worlds biggest pariah collapses- its win freakin win!

but of course who am i kidding, obama knows what happened to the last president that stood up to this parasite, got whacked by the CIA and MOSSAD- thats right! research it yourself if you dont believe me! should that really shock anyone? To see if israel is really this callous google USS liberty or the lavon affair.

14 years ago @ Antiwar.com Original A... - Loose Lips on Iran Can... · 0 replies · +2 points

no they aren't a tool, they are a virus, and they have infested every facet of american life. the media, the government the military and even hollywood. until we are erradicated of the zionist disease this world will never know peace and america will never recover from it's slow motion train wreck.