Malaysia Yohan

Malaysia Yohan


68 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Malay Mail - Say sorry for ‘b... · 0 replies · +8 points

Dear brethren, I think you may have been misinformed.

No Jews or Hebrew speaking Christians would utter the tetragrammaton YHWH as Yahweh nor Yahowah or any of that, as it is the symbol for the "ehyeh esher ehyeh" (I am who I am). Thus, for a human to say "I'm who I'm" is a blasphemy as claiming one self is self-existent and eternal, which only the true One Almighty is worth. Thus, when Jews reading the Hebrew Bible and come to this symbol, they will utter as "Adonai", means Lord. Thus, in modern English translation of the Bible (ho Biblos / the Book / Al Kitab), it render as LORD.

Secondly, "Eloh'im" root word is "eloh" and in Aramaic it called ᵓălāh, where the sound is exactly as the Arabic "allah". The word was used by Aramaic (Syriac / Assyrian) and Arabic speaking Christians for centuries even before Islam came at the 7th century.

You would call your Aramaic (Yeshua's main language) and Arabic speaking brethren as demon worshipers??

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Demonising ‘touc... · 0 replies · +5 points

By the way, The Quran not even mentions that touching a dog is haram or anything bad.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Demonising ‘touc... · 1 reply · +15 points

Yes, we should respect other people's religion and beliefs.

Thus, please respect the religious beliefs of other Muslims that believe touching a dog is not haram or bad.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Hadi the stumbling blo... · 0 replies · +1 points

What Malays votes you are talking about?? Actually Hadi and his ultra-conservative ulamaks have caused PAS loss more Malay votes than gains. Many progressive and moderate minded Malays are scare of such religious conservatives. More Malays are more concern on livelihood and economy rather than ulamaks leading the state or not.

With Hadi leading PAS Terengganu, PAS also can't win that Malay majority state. Many in Terengganu also doubt that religious conservatives of PAS Terangganu can lead and build the state well. Kedah under ulamaks also a good case that they can only last for 1 term. People only willing to give them a term to try up... but no significant progress in economy.

Kelantan only can survive under TG Nik Aziz, and many are doubt that they can last after next GE where TGNA is no more leading the state government.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - It’s about who c... · 0 replies · +17 points

As from the court interpretation of the State constitution in Perak crisis, the Ruler has prerogative of the means to determine who have the command of majority among the State assemblymen, not necessary to be done in the Assembly sitting. The ruler can choose to determine it via meeting up the assemblyman personally in group or one-by-one, or by SD, letter from party's head, or by instruct speaker to call for assembly, or what ever means the ruler see fit, but the BOTTOM LINE is to determine the MAJORITY SUPPORT among the assemblymen.

The prerogative of the Ruler is NOT about determine what qualification can be elected as MB/PM, the only qualification is he/she command the majority support.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Water deal set to be i... · 2 replies · +34 points

Yes, rakyat have been waiting for long time the water asset be taken back from inefficient crony companies to the state government. BUT, the rakyat and majority of our representatives never agreed to have any binding agreement from Putrajaya of the water supply from Pahang and Langat 2.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Court strikes out acti... · 0 replies · +15 points

The fate of this colonial's draconian act hung on the appeal in the Federal court. Fight on! Gobind Singh Deo, Haris Ibrahim and team. The fate of those following on to face this draconian act depends on your good work. Lawan tetap lawan!!!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Rayer charged with sed... · 0 replies · +13 points

Are you reading the article. The AG charge him of 2 separate charges, one in the DUN and another allegedly to the public.

If you think that saying that outside the DUN should be charges, then all those celaka extremist groups saying those insulting and racism remarks at the public should not be charge?

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - PAS to discuss ‘... · 1 reply · +27 points

Ya, this is their true agenda, they do not really support Khalid Ibrahim but just wish to have their own candidate as new MB.

They just prolong the crisis so can broker it with other parties in Pakatan Rakyat according to their interests. But is it moral to do so, by taking this crisis at ransom to the risk of PR losing the government in Selangor and loss the good-will of PR supporters?

At the beginning, if PAS have his own candidate beside Wan Azizah, they can propose it, but clearly express that they reject Khalid Ibrahim. Then PR can have a caucus among their own Pakatan assembly persons to vote within the 2 candidates, even 3 or more. The majority winner will be the one propose to Sultan with the support of all Pakatan ADUNs.

But by temporary support Khalid Ibrahim as a ransom in brokering their agenda is totally immoral and stupid!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - PAS grassroots want to... · 0 replies · +19 points

Ha, ha... most STUPID comment I have read so far on this MB crisis.

You this UMNO-BN macai can dream on with your batu api....