


8 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Ride Earth Tom - What\'s Really Happeni... · 1 reply · +1 points


Finally something intelligent written on the subject... I don't agree with the failure of "new media" bit, but other than that... right on!

I get so tired of complete lack of critical thinking that seems to be the norm. The whole "solidarity" thing on Twitter is so superficial and hypocritical that I get angry... Where was your "solidarity" when not too long ago Iran was called an "axis of evil"... where is your solidarity NOW for the Iraqi people still getting killed everyday... Or the Peruvians being massacred by their government for trying to protect their forests against American/Canadian corporations?

The whole Twitter thing looks more like a really sick version of Saint Patrick's Day than anything else...

16 years ago @ http://www.votenader.org/ - What We Accomplished T... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree this topic is not the most interesting to debate... BUt I strongly disagree with deleting posts that "make us look bad"... I think your post makes us look worse...

16 years ago @ http://www.votenader.org/ - In the Public Interest... · 0 replies · +1 points

"cherry picking a few things out of context "

ok... So, please put the vote for the FISA amendment back in context for me...

Also, put the bailout support back in context for me, I didn't think it was "complicated," it very much looked like a simple hand out of tax money to people who should have gone to jail to me, but if you got a more thorough analysis to provide, go for it, no problem if it's complicated, I have time.

I'm focusing on those two, not because I'm cherry picking, but because I believe they're big enough to start getting a general idea of the reality behind Obama's "for the people" rhetoric...

16 years ago @ http://www.votenader.org/ - Hold Your Heads Up Hig... · 0 replies · +1 points

well, my point was: how can you "bring race into it" when everyone's already talking about race... Logic please?

The only way you could get offended by what Nader said is if you're looking for an excuse to do so, purposefully ignoring the meaning of what he said.

If you're going to spread nonsense like "Nader is racist," you should at the very least have the decency to stop posing as a former Nader supporter... no one here is going to buy it anyway so you're wasting your time.

16 years ago @ http://www.votenader.org/ - Hold Your Heads Up Hig... · 0 replies · +4 points

If he had not ran, I wouldn't even know about him... I'm betting I'm not the only one. Why not stop criticizing and do something? Can't always wait for someone to do the work for us... Obviously he's got the know how so we need him... but I was talking about the next move for US! Looks like a good start:


I wish they'd post it as an article on here though... I really had to look for it to find it...

16 years ago @ http://www.votenader.org/ - Hold Your Heads Up Hig... · 5 replies · +1 points

"has permanently destroyed his legacy"

Yeah right... Someone who's spent his entire life working tirelessly for the people and saved hundreds of thousand of lives just with the seatbelt alone has destroyed his legacy by saying one sentence that's not politically correct.

You sure got your priorities set straight... Keep on looking at the big picture like that... you're doing great.

16 years ago @ http://www.votenader.org/ - Hold Your Heads Up Hig... · 0 replies · +3 points

Nader "bringing race into it"? When every single headline on the 5th said "first black president" or something along those lines? Give me a break...

Calling Nader a racist is the epitome of hypocrisy... Don't even try one second to pretend Nader was a hero of yours while simultaneously propagating those ridiculous lies.

16 years ago @ http://www.votenader.org/ - Hold Your Heads Up Hig... · 6 replies · +3 points

So, what the next move? What's the plan?

I mean... Thanks for the kind words in the post above, but that was just to start the engine right?

I'm ready for some action!! Bring in on! :)