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15 years ago @ Blue Ventures Field Diary - Learning the ropes · 0 replies · +1 points
Hello Jim, I'm Valentina, I got (thanks to God Internet!!) expeditions made by blue ventures since one week, and they sound soooo interesting!! I would like to participate to a such experience in Fiji, and I'm really thinking about it ;) . But before taking the final decision I just want to get some feedbacks from people who already did the expedition in Fiji... So what do you think, are you happy about the experience? Is it a real scientific work on the field? Because, you know, my idea is to come in order to write my thesis on that... So please, give some feedbacks about the organization, the working day and life to Fiji!
I thank you very much and hope to keep in touch!
I thank you very much and hope to keep in touch!