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13 years ago @ - Obama: Bush Is Food St... · 0 replies · +3 points

Seriously? Three years later, it's all still Dubya's fault? My kids are better at taking responsibility than this manchild. They don't throw nearly as many tantrums, either.
Hurry up 1/20/13.

13 years ago @ - Two die of A(H1N1) swi... · 0 replies · +3 points

I thought we already had that.

13 years ago @ - Two die of A(H1N1) swi... · 2 replies · +6 points

Run for your lives! It's another outbreak of swine flu! Everybody get your dose of hastily cranked out flu vaccine...hell, get two! We're all going to die and civilization, as we know it, will end, if we don't spend millions to vaacinate against this horrible disease!
Wait...333 cases and only 2 dead? But, but...that's less than 1% mortality. Ummm...A(H1N1) was a pandemic, which killed 17,000 worldwide. But doesn't typical seasonal flu, generally, kill somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000, every year? So, "pandemic" now means "kills just a bit over half the average number"?
It's amazing, how this country and world allow themselves to be ruled by fear. Eat right, follow basic hygiene rules, don't live in crowded 3rd world slums, and live your life fear-free. Stop buying into the hype.

13 years ago @ - AP source: ABC intervi... · 1 reply · 0 points

The D/R coin toss is just one big game of heads they win/ tails we lose. It doesn't matter which side lands up, we're all pretty screwed.

13 years ago @ - AP source: ABC intervi... · 0 replies · -5 points

As if his lack of character and personal integrity weren't enough to disqualify him, in my opinion, I have never trusted a man who looks like his own living, breathing, life-sized Bobblehead doll.

13 years ago @ - AP source: ABC intervi... · 0 replies · +2 points

They also have tried to pick who gets face time and who they will totally dismiss and ignore. It hasn't done anything but help reveal them for the wannabe kingmakers. Their choice for Red-Headed Stepchild is still going strong. The harder they try to keep him down, the more support he gains, because Americans are realizing that it is best to head in the complete opposite direction of MSM's recommendations.

13 years ago @ - Thrill Is Gone? Matthe... · 0 replies · +6 points

Right...Thank you, Jimmy Carter, the former worst President of all time.

13 years ago @ - Thrill Is Gone? Matthe... · 1 reply · -6 points

Too, bad that's all that Newt is "dead on" about.

13 years ago @ - Thrill Is Gone? Matthe... · 0 replies · +1 points

shhhh...stop giving away the plan.

13 years ago @ - Thrill Is Gone? Matthe... · 0 replies · +1 points

Isn't political cannibalism great? The only thing preventing it from becoming a blood orgy is that their only alternative is to back a Republican...unless Hillary anoints herself (retch).