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12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Obama Gestapo Arrests ... · 0 replies · +15 points

Think these fools don't want to see a Die off think again ....... the Perfect oops moment has arrived ..... Scientists create virus capable of killing millions ,

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Obama Gestapo Arrests ... · 0 replies · +21 points

WOW talk about a Jack Abramoff Moment heres one ......

New 2012 Campaign Slogan ......... " Pay them with some of this stuff " .....

$6 Trillion in Allegedly Fake U.S. Bonds Hidden in Federal Reserve Mother Box Seized

Lord James of Blackheath: Mystery 15 Trillion Dollars Transferred to HSBC For Royal Bank of Scotland Connected to JP Morgan and Federal Reserve

Banking giant accused of laundering billions.... correction , Trillions !!!!!

Is this how Money is Funneled into the Overthrows of Egypt , Libya , and now it looks like Syria ?

Operation Fast and Furious Goes International in the Middle East ???????
The news about this here is extensive ,

12 years ago @ Big Peace - McCain Oppo Dump: Bain... · 0 replies · +1 points

Common where is the Truth in Vetting a Presidential Candidate ????????????

This Liberal site is getting all their ducks in a row to beat Romney up bad with this stuff !!!!!
Romney Sat On Board Of Damon Clinical Laboratories, A Bain Capital Portfolio Company Fined Nearly $120 Million In 1996 Due To Medicare Fraud.

Its all in here , What do you think about this Romney Bain Capital doing Business with Iran ??? page 11 In 2004, Bain Co multi-million dollar contract from National Iranian Oil Company

12 years ago @ - AP source: ABC intervi... · 0 replies · +2 points

This will be a Obama story too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the Story goes this is McCain's 2008 play Book on how to beat Romney and page 11 has Romney's business problems that stink , but there is so much more ......
Romney sat on board of directors of Bain portfolio company Damon Clinical Laboratories, which in 1996 was fined over $100 million for Medicare fraud committed during Romney's tenure


Romney spent most of his business career as CEO of private equity firm Bain Capital – as of June 2007 he maintained an investor’s stake in the company.

Bain Capital has been criticized for relentless focus on bottom line at expense of workers and jobs.

Romney describes himself as a “business legend” in his campaign ads and once said of himself: “I’m basically in the investor’s Hall of Fame.”

Bain Capital and Bain & Co. employees donated at least $171,000 to Romney’s presidential campaign in Q1 2007 and gave tens of thousands more in support of his previous political activities.

Bain Capital financed 1988 buyout with junk bonds issued by Drexel Burnham – when SEC filed charges against the firm and CEO Michael Milken, Bain Capital maintained their business relationship; Romney later reminisced about “the glorious days of Drexel Burnham.”

In 2004, Bain & Co. received a multi-million dollar contract from the National Iranian Oil Company.

Romney sat on board of directors of Bain portfolio company Damon Clinical Laboratories, which in 1996 was fined over $100 million for Medicare fraud committed during Romney’s tenure.

Bain Capital owned company named Ampad that purchased an Indiana paper plant, fired its workers and offered to bring them back at drastically reduced salary and benefits – the firings became an issue in the 1994 Senate race when workers blamed Romney for their situation and appeared in Kennedy campaign ads.

After Romney became governor, Bain Capital teamed up with Chinese appliance maker Haier Group in 2005 in effort to purchase Newton, IA-based Maytag Corp. and send jobs overseas.

At least two Bain Capital companies – Stream International and Modus Media – focused on outsourced

12 years ago @ - Firm Paid Gingrich $40... · 5 replies · +2 points

Subject: Romney sat on board of directors of Bain portfolio company Damon Clinical Laboratories, which in 1996 was fined over $100 million for Medicare fraud committed during Romney's tenure


Romney spent most of his business career as CEO of private equity firm Bain Capital – as of June 2007 he maintained an investor’s stake in the company.

Bain Capital has been criticized for relentless focus on bottom line at expense of workers and jobs.

Romney describes himself as a “business legend” in his campaign ads and once said of himself: “I’m basically in the investor’s Hall of Fame.”
Bain Capital and Bain & Co. employees donated at least $171,000 to Romney’s presidential campaign in Q1 2007 and gave tens of thousands more in support of his previous political activities.
Bain Capital financed 1988 buyout with junk bonds issued by Drexel Burnham – when SEC filed charges against the firm and CEO Michael Milken, Bain Capital maintained their business relationship; Romney later reminisced about “the glorious days of Drexel Burnham.”

In 2004, Bain & Co. received a multi-million dollar contract from the National Iranian Oil Company.

Romney sat on board of directors of Bain portfolio company Damon Clinical Laboratories, which in 1996 was fined over $100 million for Medicare fraud committed during Romney’s tenure.

Bain Capital owned company named Ampad that purchased an Indiana paper plant, fired its workers and offered to bring them back at drastically reduced salary and benefits – the firings became an issue in the 1994 Senate race when workers blamed Romney for their situation and appeared in Kennedy campaign ads.

After Romney became governor, Bain Capital teamed up with Chinese appliance maker Haier Group in 2005 in effort to purchase Newton, IA-based Maytag Corp. and send jobs overseas.

At least two Bain Capital companies – Stream International and Modus Media – focused on outsourced

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - ABC Lands Gingrich Ex-... · 0 replies · 0 points

Subject: Romney sat on board of directors of Bain portfolio company Damon Clinical Laboratories, which in 1996 was fined over $100 million for Medicare fraud committed during Romney's tenure


Romney spent most of his business career as CEO of private equity firm Bain Capital – as of June 2007 he maintained an investor’s stake in the company.

Bain Capital has been criticized for relentless focus on bottom line at expense of workers and jobs.

Romney describes himself as a “business legend” in his campaign ads and once said of himself: “I’m basically in the investor’s Hall of Fame.”
Bain Capital and Bain & Co. employees donated at least $171,000 to Romney’s presidential campaign in Q1 2007 and gave tens of thousands more in support of his previous political activities.
Bain Capital financed 1988 buyout with junk bonds issued by Drexel Burnham – when SEC filed charges against the firm and CEO Michael Milken, Bain Capital maintained their business relationship; Romney later reminisced about “the glorious days of Drexel Burnham.”

In 2004, Bain & Co. received a multi-million dollar contract from the National Iranian Oil Company.

Romney sat on board of directors of Bain portfolio company Damon Clinical Laboratories, which in 1996 was fined over $100 million for Medicare fraud committed during Romney’s tenure.

Bain Capital owned company named Ampad that purchased an Indiana paper plant, fired its workers and offered to bring them back at drastically reduced salary and benefits – the firings became an issue in the 1994 Senate race when workers blamed Romney for their situation and appeared in Kennedy campaign ads.

After Romney became governor, Bain Capital teamed up with Chinese appliance maker Haier Group in 2005 in effort to purchase Newton, IA-based Maytag Corp. and send jobs overseas.

At least two Bain Capital companies – Stream International and Modus Media – focused on outsourced

12 years ago @ Vision to America - New Romney attacks fro... · 0 replies · +2 points

Romney compares Bain's operation to Obama's bailout of auto industry

This kind of analysis of costing and revenue accounting that has lead the USA and European Union in the Longest Economic decline in the History of these nations is due to Gresham's Law of the 14th Century by a Trade Policy that has allowed Different valued currencies trade in the same markets with the Lower Valued currency of these Trade partners Sucking Away all the other nations industrial base and with it their wealth creation and Jobs , and while this was happening regulators who were responsible for enforcing free floating currency rules so that as Industry shifted from one nation to another Currency values adjust and par value so that Economic production and consumption be balanced , this did not happen because Hedge Funds grew and Lobbied world Government to look the Other way on the free floating Currency rules as they were the facilitators in these transfers of wealth and equity consolidating the Independent small business sectors of these Great Nations and today the result is a Threat to the individual Liberty because self Reliance and the ability to be a Independent nation able to provide Human needs Independently has Evolved into the USA and Europe being SERFS to the Asian Suppliers , with the Hedge Funds in the Middle of these Trades , and its come down to Military Might being the Only negotiating tool left in this Trade of Vital Human Needs and something has to give soon so that economic balance can restore a Peace process !!!!!!!!
The only reason why there is such a Blow back when trying to debate the Trend that Hedge Funds have taken the Economic structure of Nations is because they are vehicles for Retirement accounts , and the idea that one would debate the idea that somehow the Hedge Fund industry is a Flawed system of Wealth creation and Holding is why the Top Dogs in the Industry and at the Realms of Government who together have made this Beast into what it is and how its Consolidating Independence is exactly why we the people need to debate this , just from the simple fact that Government is bailing out these Industries that the Hedge funds are tied too !!!! If we do not Identify the Lack of growth that is going on in the overall economies of the world today because of all this Collusion of Governments and Industry we are destined to repeat a Bolsheviks trend in the future that data suggests is maybe 20 years away .
The Growth and debt of Governments around the world is the proof of this terrible Trend as this Video points out ,

12 years ago @ - Voter To Newt: Back Of... · 0 replies · +1 points

Obama will use this stuff against Romney , even Bring up Jack Abramoff and I bet they even bring Jack Abramoff out for Main Stream media Interviews as you are seeing him in Interviews now on the MSM networks so they are gearing up and you bet they will have him make a big deal out of this during the General Election to Make these claims in these Links even have DoJ Holder make some charges and really get the GOP Romney ticket in a Pinch , Obama will WIN if Romney is GOP Nominee !!!!
Delaware District Court Federal Justice) and/or any other persons now known or currently hidden who
did benefit, conspire, collude, Intimidate Victim or Witness (such as Scott Henkin, Jack Abramoff and
Jack Abramoff's self proclaimed associate Johann Hamerski who has pursued the demise of the eToys
shareholder Robert Alber that did join this whistle blower once the “Smoking Gun” was placed into
the public docket) (we have a copy of Congress records documenting that Jack Abramoff's/ associates
did seek to illicitly control the Region 3 US Trustee's office for the sake of guarantee of Scheme to Fix
Fees in violation of 18 USC § 155 Fee Fixing) – This, I Steven “LASER” Haas do testify is True.

12 years ago @ - Univision Introduces U... · 0 replies · +1 points

Obama will use this stuff against Romney , even Bring up Jack Abramoff and I bet they even bring Jack Abramoff out for Main Stream media Interviews as you are seeing him in Interviews now on the MSM networks so they are gearing up and you bet they will have him make a big deal out of this during the General Election to Make these claims in these Links even have DoJ Holder make some charges and really get the GOP Romney ticket in a Pinch , Obama will WIN if Romney is GOP Nominee !!!!
Delaware District Court Federal Justice) and/or any other persons now known or currently hidden who
did benefit, conspire, collude, Intimidate Victim or Witness (such as Scott Henkin, Jack Abramoff and
Jack Abramoff's self proclaimed associate Johann Hamerski who has pursued the demise of the eToys
shareholder Robert Alber that did join this whistle blower once the “Smoking Gun” was placed into
the public docket) (we have a copy of Congress records documenting that Jack Abramoff's/ associates
did seek to illicitly control the Region 3 US Trustee's office for the sake of guarantee of Scheme to Fix
Fees in violation of 18 USC § 155 Fee Fixing) – This, I Steven “LASER” Haas do testify is True.

12 years ago @ - Newt Booed By South Ca... · 0 replies · +3 points

Obama will use this stuff against Romney , even Bring up Jack Abramoff and I bet they even bring Jack Abramoff out for Main Stream media Interviews as you are seeing him in Interviews now on the MSM networks so they are gearing up and you bet they will have him make a big deal out of this during the General Election to Make these claims in these Links even have DoJ Holder make some charges and really get the GOP Romney ticket in a Pinch , Obama will WIN if Romney is GOP Nominee !!!!
Delaware District Court Federal Justice) and/or any other persons now known or currently hidden who
did benefit, conspire, collude, Intimidate Victim or Witness (such as Scott Henkin, Jack Abramoff and
Jack Abramoff's self proclaimed associate Johann Hamerski who has pursued the demise of the eToys
shareholder Robert Alber that did join this whistle blower once the “Smoking Gun” was placed into
the public docket) (we have a copy of Congress records documenting that Jack Abramoff's/ associates
did seek to illicitly control the Region 3 US Trustee's office for the sake of guarantee of Scheme to Fix
Fees in violation of 18 USC § 155 Fee Fixing) – This, I Steven “LASER” Haas do testify is True.