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12 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Guinea Pig: 9-Year-Old... · 1 reply · +3 points

This story as with many others should begin to make ones blood curl. Folks this is simply outrageous. America is turning back to the Salem witch trials. We, the People are now guilty until proven innocent and we have NO say in ours or our children's life's. What happens if your neighbor says your acting funny? Will the government come in and make it mandatory you get an evaluation and then of course take drugs. THIS IS ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMIN'S! Money has truly become the root of all evil.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - It’s OK to Discrimin... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hey there Lydia..

"Maybe God intended for some people to not procreate..."
-Excellent point. The Apostle Paul can be quoted as being in favor of staying single which would make for great conversation. I'm sensing the possible blending of procreation and sex.

"We have an overpopulation problem as it is and some people should not be parents."
- Point taken. There are bunches of us. Makes one wonder if Paul's statement then is relevant now. He did have God's ear you know. ;-)
With the moral decline of society should soldiers of the Cross have a different focus than parenting? Yet another conversation.

"There are many gay people who adopt those children who need good loving homes. Ever consider that?"
- "Many" are called but few are chosen. In regard to "those" children I don't follow. No one, well myself, has an issue with ones ability to be a loving person. Loving homes can be made of cardboard.

For me, the debate here is not ones ability to love and share love but how that love came about.
What I "have considered" is how confusing it must be for a child that is in an environment that is contradictory to there existence. How will the birds and bees be explained? Soon the conversation will be.. yes, you do need a mommy and a daddy to make a baby, but sometimes it's okay to break the rules... really?.. Yet another conversation.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Round Three: Arizona v... · 0 replies · +16 points

daves... I think you just clarified the problem on both sides. OVER-bloated government bureaucracy. Czar's, assistants to assistants to assistants to advisors to there assistant advisors. Whatever they want to call these positions they are RIDICULOUS! Many times these positions hold Unconstitutional powers to abuse the American people. Sounds more like FAVORS being handed out in order to become an insider. In other words, they eventually become moochers living AND retiring OFF the taxpayer.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - It’s OK to Discrimin... · 3 replies · +7 points

Bud, although I do appreciate your personal thoughts and choices, however when one attempts to define natural and unnatural some things are just obvious. My point... A male has parts that are fitted to the female for ONE purpose and that is to propagate. It is UNnatural any other way. Sorry but a duck is a duck NOT a ?? or whatever they FEEL like that day.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Putin Arms as Obama Di... · 2 replies · +33 points

On a side note: As obama downsizes the US military could/is he building "his" promised civilian army with these funds?

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Does the 2nd Amendment... · 0 replies · +44 points

As the World turns.. have we become a progressive soap opera? Another example how liberal/progressive policies create environments that entertain these ridiculous discussions, which further restrict our liberties in the guise of protection.

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Court Upholds Schoolâ€... · 1 reply · +2 points

Another argument could be that THAT public property belongs to the tax payer which belongs to the parent of the child attending that school. They may have a right to obtain possession of the actual physical locker, however the CONTENTS are protected by the 4th amendment. Query... you give a sensitive note to your child and they leave it in the locker, under the correct assumption of privacy, and this RAID happens. Now how does this unconstitutional action seem?

12 years ago @ Godfather Politics - Wycliffe Bible Transla... · 192 replies · +3 points

All of those re-re-re-writes were controlled by one-one-one Holy Spirit, so... FLAWLESS!

12 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - National Employment Da... · 0 replies · +6 points

Umm, we don't, however they (gov) are running out of ways to tax (steal) our wealth. Yet another way to stifle the American dream and way of life. Let me be clear, the only wealth they are seeking to steal is from small business which is middle america and NOT the cronies AND definitely NOT their NON-INCOME earnings.

12 years ago @ Conservative Byte - Obama-No-Show at Trial... · 35 replies · +553 points

"His supporters, meanwhile, argue he won the 2008 election and therefore was “vetted” by America."

Anyone explain how walking up to a voting booth either with no ID or possibly being dead, is in any way vetting someone? Oh, I see, the MSM supplied us the information, of course. That wraps it up.. he's vetted. Meanwhile We, the People know absolutely nothing of his past, or for that matter where he was born. Absolutely laughable, and not in a good way.