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14 years ago @ ChEnected - Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing... · 2 replies · +1 points

Great summary, Robert. I agree that convincing tax payers to invest (or whomever) in a new, promising technology is a big hurdle. Unfortunately, topics such as alternative energy and climate change are highly polarizing to the public. Discussions often boil to down emotional melees that are fueled by hasty generalization and half-truths.

14 years ago @ ChEnected - Significant Gulf Techn... · 0 replies · +1 points

According to that report, the TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon) concentrations were taken from three locations. It seems that each location was identified as an oil 'slick' after a battery of analyses, after which subsequent testing revealed the subsurface 'plumes' were indeed dispersed oil at the reported concentrations.

If you've passively watched tv recently (as I have) you may have the impression that there are gigantic globules of semi-dispersed oil under the surface of the water. But apparently this is not the case - apparently these subsurface 'slicks' of oil are really more like contaminated pockets of water? Am I off base?

14 years ago @ ChEnected - Texas Tech and Fiberte... · 1 reply · +1 points

I couldn't find a price on the manufacturer's website either. I wonder how much of this stuff they could make by next week - probably not enough. In which case it sounds like BP would have to pay them royalties for use of their technology and make it wherever they can.

14 years ago @ ChEnected - Using UV Light to Puri... · 0 replies · +1 points

Does your UV lamp kill everything that could harm you - bacteria, viruses, parasites...? This thing requires quite a charge, does it?

14 years ago @ ChEnected - Traveling with an Engi... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great article - interesting to hear the history/culture behind the sugar refinery.

14 years ago @ ChEnected - We Need Another Hero · 1 reply · +2 points

I am ashamed to say that I used the word "leverage" yesterday, and worst of all it was outside of work.

I don't have any ChE heros, but if I think really hard I have some role models. These role models are individuals who have climbed the ranks using nothing but hard work. It is inspiring to see someone who is not interested in climbing the ladder do just that, climb the ladder, because they deserved it.

14 years ago @ ChEnected - Guess Where The Highes... · 0 replies · +1 points

If you've never visited the DOL website, I strongly recommend it. You'd be AMAZED what the U.S. government keeps track of.

14 years ago @ ChEnected - Insurance for your Che... · 0 replies · +1 points

Robert, I found many discussion threads on the internet that described your employer's attitude. Unfortunately I didn't find any flashy statistics to corroborate, just underwhelmed engineers on discussion forums. The statistics I did find were from the organizations that promote PE licensure themselves, so as always take with a grain of salt - I probably should have been more blunt about that.

14 years ago @ ChEnected - Are You Chemically Dep... · 0 replies · +1 points

I found a website that doesn't even pretend to be objective ( regarding caffeine, nonetheless I agree that over caffeination can result in lost sleep.

"Perhaps the most important long-term problem is the effect of caffeine on sleep. The half-life of caffeine in the body is about 6 hours. If you drink a big cup of coffee with 200 mg of caffeine at 4PM, at 10PM you still have about 100mg in your body. By 4AM, you still have 50mg floating in your system. Even though you may be able to sleep, you may not be able to obtain the restful benefits of deep sleep. What's worse, the cycle continues as you may use more and more caffeine in hopes of counteracting this deficit."

14 years ago @ ChEnected - The First Five Books E... · 1 reply · +1 points

Crane Technical Paper No. 410 is a great reference. Although, I am mystified by the book's use of charts that can be used to visually determine quantities from simple equations (such as Reynolds number) when you can just as easily use a calculator.