


19 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Big Government - Why Is Senator Kirk St... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm left wondering: Do our votes even count anymore? If the Democrats can disregard this election, what will stop them from disregarding the election in November?

15 years ago @ All That Is Necessary... - How Much Trouble are t... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think it's clear that the Democrats do need to begin to move back to the center. However, I think that the real danger here is for the GOP: in becoming too overconfident about the next election. The fact is, Obama has already begun to put on his "Conservative mask" for the compaign. (Remember who sounded more conservative for most of the last Presidential election?) He's a great campaigner, and he's already kicked into campaign mode. If the GOP lets their guard down, assuming that a 2010 landslide is inevitable, things could go poorly for them.

15 years ago @ Big Government - Massachusetts Voters C... · 0 replies · +1 points

Your country thanks you!

15 years ago @ Big Government - Ben Nelson May Give Ba... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hmmm, good point. Maybe they'll all start racing to be the last holdout, resulting in massive paralysis of the liberal agenda. I love the thought!

15 years ago @ Big Government - Ben Nelson May Give Ba... · 3 replies · +2 points

This is what's so dangerous about Nelson's back-room deal like this: he, like the Senators who caved to vote this thing out of committee, have established a precedent. Now, every Senator will now wish to be the last to commit to support *any* measure in order to increase the "value" of their support.

15 years ago @ All That Is Necessary... - I Still Prefer the Chi... · 1 reply · +1 points

The real danger with a Messiah is that they can do no wrong. The followers of a Messiah blindly follow any policy directive laid out by said Messiah, without taking the time to ask whether the goals are valid, and/or whether the policy is the best way to attain that goal. It is a good thing for people to realize that he is a politician -- that he's a "real person", if for no other reason that it opens the eyes of his followers to the fact that he can be wrong, and removes the insulation of his policies from (legitimate) criticism.

That said, there will always be people who will refuse to acknowledge any valid criticism of his policies, simply because they think a charismatic Messiah-like figure is the surest way to preserve their political power. (I can guarantee that some in the GOP ignored criticisms of Bush and his policies, simply because of his party.)

15 years ago @ All That Is Necessary... - A Signpost in Mr. Obam... · 0 replies · +1 points

Too True. Too True.

15 years ago @ Big Government - A Tale of Two Presiden... · 0 replies · +4 points

We sure do seem to have a double standard: For Democrats, failure is a resume enhancement. For Republicans, it's the precursor to a job hunt. No wonder Barack Hussein Obama currently leads the Democrat party!

15 years ago @ Big Government - Best Buy Ditches 'Chri... · 0 replies · +1 points

More specifically, they're going after the "long tail".

15 years ago @ Big Government - Winfrey/Palin Was No F... · 0 replies · +1 points

Contrast this with any of Obama's worldwide apologize for America tours. I, for one, feel just "great" when I hear Obama inform the world of America's many flaws.

You are so right. Reagan showed us that our country is a great force for good in the world, and inspired us to want to live up to the greatest ideals that our country was founded upon. He brought the best out of all of us, simply by telling us that we were capable of living our own lives -- and that we were the best people to determine what is best for ourselves. What a contrast: "I believe in you enough to let you make your own decisions" versus "You are too dumb to know whether you should buy health insurance. So, not only will I tell you what's best for you (buying health insurance), I'll throw you in jail for failing to do so." I know which one I'd pick. The message of Freedom resounds with all of mankind. The Reason the Left detests Palin is that she is a powerful messenger to bring that message of freedom... Just like Reagan!