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11 years ago @ KTXL-TV - Vegans Accused of Bull... · 2 replies · +11 points

The vegan lifestyle causes the death of far more animals than they want to believe. Animals are slaughtered by harvesting the foodstuffs they eat, and those animals aren't used for food, but are just left to die in the fields.

The vegan lifestyle isn't possible without the benefits of modern chemistry. There are certain nutrients that aren't possible to consume without either eating animal protein, or popping pills. Further, have you ever seen a really healthy-looking vegan? They all have dull skin and hair, lackluster eyes, and a really bad smell.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'The Lorax' Review: Ec... · 0 replies · +10 points

Not only that, but there are twice as many trees now as there were 200 years ago, and look at all of the timber that has been harvested and processed in that time.

Forests are becoming sick because of environmental regulations that prevent intelligent forest management.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - As Leftist Hollywood T... · 4 replies · +6 points

The founder of PP, Margaret Sanger, was a noted racist and eugenicist. There are more than enough quotes about how she wanted to disguise her plans. Remember, this was back in the '30s, during the time of the KKK and overt racism.

The modern day Liberals see the Black community as a way to keep power through giving them handouts. If you look at the crime rate, the number of out-of-wedlock births, and other indicators that show a crumbling culture, you'll see a huge divide that coincides with LBJ's "Great Society" and "War on Poverty" plans.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - As Leftist Hollywood T... · 0 replies · +11 points

And here I was going to throw money at SGK for their decision to stop giving money to PP. Looks like SGK is flip-flopping under pressure from the Left. I wonder how much money the whiny b***hes in Hollywood actually gave to SGK, and I wonder how many of the orgs that SGK pulled funding from are going to use PP as a way to get money back.

13 years ago @ Big Government - How to Save... · 1 reply · +1 points

If you've got a vehicle with a TPMS system, there's already the ability to track you. Go to and be scared.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Lib Talker Bill Press ... · 1 reply · +8 points

if Bill Press was on fire, I'd throw diesel on him.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Charge: 'Hawaii Five-0... · 1 reply · +38 points

The problem is that most in the media and production come from the military-hating flower children who have no respect for sacrifice of veterans, no matter what war. Someone should have spoken up and said something to the producer on set to let them know what was going on. It wasn't as if they couldn't have pushed production back a day, or even scheduled nothing on that day, considering that it WAS the 70th anniversary of "The Day that Will Live in Infamy".

The main character is a former Navy SEAL, so everyone should have been more cognizant of the day. They should have done some kind of commemoration at one of the historic sites (Arizona Memorial, Hickam Field, Schofield Barracks, etc.) as part of the show, or as a public service.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - President Obama 'Missp... · 0 replies · +3 points

Too bad it's always closed...

13 years ago @ Big Peace - Pravda: Obama For Pre... · 0 replies · +35 points

The last 2 Democrat FLOTUS have been FAR more manly than the Democrat POTUS. Welcome to the result of the pussification of America. When the Left starts throwing around descriptors like "cowboy" as epithets against a candidate, I know the candidate is the right one.