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11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Ultra-Orthodox Break W... · 0 replies · +1 points

No. It is more like .."You can assert your rights in beand the right as far as the law goes but it would be at the cost of a riot so be the more mature one". I have every right to dress like a Klansman and walk through Harlem but common sense dictates that it would be foolish as it would provoke a riot. Just because I have a right to do something does that mean it would be wise to do it? (I do believe violence is indeed wrong).

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Ultra-Orthodox Break W... · 0 replies · 0 points

Sorry my error.

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Subway Icon Dr. Zizmor... · 4 replies · +7 points

The Forward's agenda is to portray the Orthodox community in the worst possible light not to help victims. Not an edition goes by that does not have some yummy dirt to dump on that community. That is why the accuser went to the Forward. He reads it and understands that it feeds into their agenda. And by the way,why link the names of Rabbi Kenneth Brander and Dr.Zizmor with child abuse. The YU victims (the only side we have heard and without any challenge) never accused these men of wrong doing. It also not true that Orthodox people didn't help some of them. Many kids were not too hot on religion when they went to YU and want to blame something or someone other than the parents who forced most of them to stay. I find it unusual that when you question any aspect of their experience they become hysterical and angry. If that is the way they are on a simple Forward thread way till they get to court. I am not a lawyer but I find outright lies in the damages section of one person I knew and one could disprove some of the claims easily.(I am sure I know two of the people) If the Forward didn't bring the allegation to light the Jewish Week would have.

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Primo Levi Was No Sain... · 0 replies · +4 points

I don't agree at all. The argument is often made that those of us who were not there cannot judge. But any serious student of the Torah has been warned that if they are in this position they must give up their lives rather than kill innocents. And using that type of justification is the type of argument that Nazi war criminals make as well.

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Primo Levi Was No Sain... · 0 replies · +1 points

@Genelevit-100% on the mark!

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Primo Levi Was No Sain... · 1 reply · +4 points

I met a woman in Florida who was a slave labor tailor in Lodz for the Nazis. With a smile on her face she told me she turned in other Jews who were poor workers to be killed. I told her one is obligated to die rather than turn over other human beings to be murdered. She replied "No problem.They will kill you and somebody else will do the job". She has since left this world but I doubt it is for a better place.

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Ultra-Orthodox Break W... · 4 replies · 0 points

Yifati. Easy to dictate from the United States.For your information, France,Germany and Canada have religion incorporated and the citizens have to pay a church tax to support clergy so you can be democratic and incorporate religion. Ohev Shalom,rodef shalom. Love peace and pursue it. Take a seat and prevent a riot. Simple wisdom.

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Ultra-Orthodox Break W... · 0 replies · 0 points

Sorry but Moshe Yaalon,Israel's defense minister has postponed the Charedi draft without limit.In addition 100 were sent home. Sorry..not!

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Primo Levi Was No Sain... · 9 replies · +5 points

Primo Levi said that the saddest things about Auschwitz was that the people who he saw survive were not the good people. They were the selfish ones and the informants (who handed over other inmates to be murdered). Those who cared for others sacrificed for others perished.

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Subway Icon Dr. Zizmor... · 1 reply · +1 points

As a parent I believe I would have responded hard and fast. I read the complaint. I had two classmates that I know of listed in it. What was claimed by one of them in the complaint is a complete lie in what Mulhearn is claiming as a damage.