


25 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - From Titans To Lemming... · 0 replies · +1 points

well, there must be some 'censorship nazis' out there, cos everytime I use the link to try a download, it freezes! Bet the islams have hacked it.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - From Titans To Lemming... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry for the multiple posts - I'd written what is tantamount to an essay, but the 'comments' came back as 'your post is too long...'
yeah, and so is this rubbish about 'tolerance' and 'political correctness' - it's gone on for too long.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - From Titans To Lemming... · 0 replies · +1 points

Democracy? what a joke! Acceding to the demands of minorities is NOT due democratic process, it's pork-barreling at its highest level. What happened to 'majority rules'? And why are welfare whores even allowed to vote AT ALL - they don't pay for the privilege with either work OR taxes, so they should be disallowed from having a say in how the country is run. The poor are poor for a reason - they don't work, they don't WANT to work, and the stupid 'handout mentality' makes them think they can ask for more and get it. Which, of course, the bleeding heart socialists give them, to the detriment of the hard-working, employed, taxpaying majority.

I quite agree that the white race is doomed...but pockets of us will survive, because not all of us believe in the bullspocky of multiculturalism and globalisation! We will find a way to bring down the socialists, if the 'silent majority' decides to throw caution to the wind and SPEAK UP.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - From Titans To Lemming... · 0 replies · +1 points

Suppose every white worker just up and decided to not work anymore. Do you really think the governments would support them? No, they force them to apply for another job and live off their savings/sell their homes to provide for themselves until they can secure another job. But oh nooooo, can't do that to our non-reflective brethren - they've come from oppressive war-torn regimes/had 'their country' stolen from them by greedy whites, poor little darlings...let's give them more handouts! Yet if the white taxpayer dares to question the government's socialist agenda, they're labelled 'racist'. Why? For having the temerity to demand accountability for the taxes THEY PAY, and answers from the government officials their taxes are paying to keep in power!

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - From Titans To Lemming... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Multiculturalism" might work with more enlightened races (Europeans and Asians with long, documented histories of civilisation) because they have the intrinsic ability to incorporate the better aspects of other cultures. The tribal, base, illiterate or overly religion-controlled races have a tendency to 'keep to their own' - non-integrating, forming enclaves,maintaining ignorance by rejecting new ideas and then making demands for concessions to their 'cultural needs' at every given moment. And the 'stupid whites', hoping they can incorporate some of the more interesting cultural aspects of these 'invaders', suddenly find themselves having to support more and more of these locusts.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - From Titans To Lemming... · 0 replies · +1 points

OK, another example - name ONE black Olympic medallist swimmer. Hmmm? Anyone? Anyone? OK, too hard...try this a black inventor...Anyone? So, what does this tell us? That black people are naturally predisposed to different abilities than whites. On a purely biogenetic viewpoint, it's like saying that while orangutans and chimps share a common ancestry, they are two different species - SO ARE THEY REALLY EQUAL? or are we just lumping them together because of their basic similarities without taking into account their substantial differences?

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - From Titans To Lemming... · 0 replies · +1 points

Reconquista, I take my hat off to you...first of all for this detailed and erudite essay, but for having the guts to tell the TRUTH and flying in the face of the do-gooding, socialist bleeding hearts! The fact that nobody seems to contemplate is - WHY are we so different, as human beings? Why is the mindset of different races so conflicting? Can anyone possibly entertain the fact that there may be different SPECIES within the human race? Can we actually entertain the notion that perhaps the 'black species' is so inherently different to the white species by NATURE, and not by society's interference?

I'll give you an example. How many charities get donations from blacks? How many blacks volunteer to do charity work? How many blacks work for the betterment of whites? Why is it that they are welcome in predominantly white countries, even if they enter illegally, yet a white would be shot on sight if it were the other way round? Why is it that whites are expected to be tolerant, yet blacks can denigrate any white person with impugnity? Because they are NOT WIRED THE SAME WAY.

15 years ago @ The Australian Protect... - BNP: Switzerland Takes... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, no thanks to the do-gooders who are welcoming these 'refugees' with open wallets...

15 years ago @ The Australian Protect... - Population Politics · 0 replies · +1 points

Not in MY lifetime baby...anyone else interested in staging a 'French-style' revolution and giving the Australian people back the power to decide OUR futures?

15 years ago @ The Australian Protect... - Population Politics · 0 replies · +1 points

That should have given her more credibility! At least she's not one of those pansy buggers who 'didn't inhale' when asked about dope smoking! How lame are they? LIARS to boot!! Like most bloody pollies, they are only in it to feather their own nest at taxpayers' expense.

Hell, I'LL run for PM! I'm better looking and smarter than Hansen, plus I am not scared of my past OR of calling a spade a spade. If they can't take a few jibes and insults, tell them to take a shot of concrete and harden the f**k up!!