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14 years ago @ Original A... - Matter of Opinion · 0 replies · +2 points

disinformation is always used to cover the tracks of the arms dealers and bankers who fund and arm all sides of each conflict. The use the he said/ she said or left/right argument to keep everyone (each side) arguing and bickering and this is done to distract, a smoke screen if I may call it, and effectively keep the investigations away from the real culprits behind each conflict, the profiteers. This has been done consistantly throughtout the twentieth century and most of the world's population fall for it. Divide to conquer your enemies..........

14 years ago @ Original A... - Gian Gentile: Exposing... · 0 replies · 0 points

right on fnord, my take is the same. Coin is just another sugar-coated acronym term to appease America's Citizens that if we are there for questionable purposes, at least we are going to do something productive out of it after all. No mention of the military industrial complex and international bankers and all the money they are making out of their human-sacrifice mission to clean-up middle Asia, for what??? one-world currency/Gvt.???.....Please.

14 years ago @ Original A... - Saigon Again? · 0 replies · +1 points

yea you know al qaeda the group formed by the CIA and some of it's original members trained in US military counter-insurgency schools, that's right, right here in the good ole USA during Russia's occupation of Afghanistan....Hey by the way, so was Osama Bin Laden for that matter.....makes you wonder why we are really over there (opium, oil pipelines, jockeying) it that middle-Asia must be cracked into shape for the one-world Gvt. scenario, or is it just all the money being made funding both sides, and arming both sides...those nasty arms suppliers and bankers......the truth will slowly reveil itself in time.........

14 years ago @ Original A... - The Spies Who Got Away · 0 replies · +1 points

there are only a few(count on one hand) countries that you are now (since 911) allowed to be a dual citizen of. In the past 4 presidential administrations there are an extraordinary amount of dual citizens (U.S./Isreal) in our Federal Government. If all of this "terrorism" was so real, i.e. patriot act, fisa, DHS, TSA, etc. etc.....why are any dual citizens allowed in our top positions??? I mean if National Security is so important, how are there "exceptions" to our safety??? If I'm expected (which I'm against) to give up all of my Constitutional rights for "Our" safety, how is it that there are dual-citizens in positions of power in "Our" Gvt.???? I don't buy it.... talk is talk and the walk is the walk..........

14 years ago @ Original A... - The Rule of the 'Experts' · 0 replies · +1 points

this article makes some good points, but also has alot of dribble. I mean al-qaeda (some of the founding members) and osama bin laden were trained in the U.S. military counter-insurgency schools and in the U.S. military's school of the Americas. They have been C-Lie-A assets since the russian occupancy of Afghanistan. The real focus should be on the fact of why is America's military been turned into the "world's policeman?"....the international bankers and the first world military industrial complex are complicit in making sure that both sides of these conflicts are funded and armed by them, let alone making sure that there are always a solution to their created crisis'es, which includes, more troops, more money, body counts, human misery and control,power and greed. Opinions don't really matter, the fact is that this is all unconstitutional. 911's investigation was an absolute farce when you look at the power-grab and money grabbing that has happened since then. I wish human life had more value and that compassion ruled those in our Gvt., who our Constitution supposedly is written for. But there is still hope........

15 years ago @ Original A... - Ignore AIPAC at Americ... · 0 replies · +2 points

further more to how dis-interested the lame-stream media is to Isreals activities is back when 911 happened there is a video where all the press corps cameras were stationed across the river from the WTC as the first tower was still burning and as the second plane hit the WTC2, up in front of all the cameras, two supposed journalist errupted in cheer and slapped high-fives in celebration, this is all on video....the police and FBI were called and they were taken into custody and later released. It turns out they were Isreali Mossad Agents. Also two weeks after 911, two Mossad Agents were caught trying to plant explosives inside the Mexican Parliment. They were arrested but later released. These two stories were never picked up by our lame-stream-media, but all the other propaganda was, i.e. saddam hussien and WMD's etc., Iran this and Iraq that. Videos are on you tube and other sites.