


10 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - SOMALILAND: New Presid... · 0 replies · 0 points

Use Silaanyo it should be fine.

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland elections: ... · 2 replies · +3 points

“I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” - We will just report.

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland's oppositio... · 0 replies · +2 points

Somalilandpress will not be able to sit down with all three candidates at the moment as we have other priories that we need to get it right before we take up such responsibility however it's open for other Somaliland media houses.

You will very soon see new Somalilandpress and more powerful and robust website.

We do have good contacts with all three parties however the timing for such is not right now but we do have plans to broadcast them live in the future.

All you suggestions, ideas, feedback and criticism are welcome before we rearrange Somalilandpress (SP).

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Interview with Somalil... · 0 replies · +2 points

We (Somalilandpress) think he is very gifted artist and his art can even sold abroad, please dont try to take advantage of him, personally I will contact few of my friends (Australians) who are into different arts from different parts of the world, I will see if they would want paintings from Somaliland. it could even be featured in the Australian Multicultural Museum it would be amazing if they did take it. I know a photo of my brother is there.

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Aar Maanta the creator... · 1 reply · +5 points

Aar all the best from Somalilandpress. Do what you do best, entertaining.

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - A Decent Into the Absu... · 1 reply · +1 points

No one deleted your comment(s), it's possible you used one or more of the word(s) we have black-listed which the system deletes automatically. These includes tribal names and other things we believe is form of racist or could lead to hatred.

We also have the right to delete any comments that violates our terms of use.

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - SOMALILAND: Ghanaian e... · 0 replies · +1 points

He studied in UCSB

14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland's proud stu... · 0 replies · +1 points

We are very pleased to share your wisdom and strength that we believe will inspire similar organisations in various countries with our valued visitors and the Somaliland public in general as well as friends of Somaliland.

You are very wise and intelligent young men and women and we encourage you to continue in that path no matter how hard the road ahead gets tough.

We also encourage you to develop ties and cooperation with other Somaliland students in the Diaspora communities and we hope this article will pave the way for that - now everyone knows you exist and are great dedicated team.


14 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland appears to ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you for your information Mr. Hussein, we (Somalilandpress) will keep every thing as it is so people can see it and decide it for themselves. This sort of issue needs to be addressed in Somaliland.

Perhaps you could provide us with more information from "Hargeisa Minerals & Resources Company" and we are happy to publish it.

If anyone is also involved in the business we would like to hear from you as well.

Thank you.


Qalinle Hussein

15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Arab League condemns I... · 2 replies · +1 points

Thank you all for visiting, please comment and keep it clean. Any comment that is racist, degrading or personal attack will be deleted.

We will also take this opportunity to inform you that Somalilandpress has been promised full access to that Israeli-Somaliland meeting, so we will have plenty of photos and possibly videos.
