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12 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Five Reasons Why Romne... · 0 replies · +3 points

One more reason involves race, but not in the way many think. Four years ago many people voted for Obama because he was black. They wanted the symbolism of a black President, and they wanted to prove they weren't racists. Now we are living with the results of that affirmative action gesture, and there are lots of regrets, but mostly in private. People in the media regularly imply that opposition to Obama is basically racism, and I believe that skews the polling data (the "Bradley Effect"), making many people reluctant to voice opposition. As long as Romney has no major stumbles or scandals, many voters who say they like Obama "personally" and are "undecided" (and perhaps ticked off at being called racists when they aren't) will vote for Romney.

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Righthaven Lawsuits: A... · 0 replies · +2 points

I think they're just lawyers with a new business model: copyright lawsuit trolling.

14 years ago @ - Comparing Obama econom... · 0 replies · +1 points

3. Have previous Republican presidents take down the Soviet Union.
4. Invent the World Wide Web.