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14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - South Park...off the h... · 0 replies · +1 points

Freedom of speech. Who cares what is shown on a cartoon. It is really not a big deal at all. Sure, it may have been offensive to some people, and that is understandable. But, when has been the last week that has gone by where you have not been offended at least once. Probably, a long time. It is just a television cartoon, I do not think anyone should take it too seriously, especially with the knowledge of what the show actually is. No one really take South Park seriously. But to be honest, the creators of the show are rather intelligent people when it comes to current events. Most of the episodes are up to date in terms of issues that are appearing in today's society. Sometimes their opinions, although rather crude, are really educated and thought out.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Isn't migration c... · 0 replies · +1 points

First of all, it is the exact same situation. It has nothing to do with a war, nothing to do with who is a stronger country, nothing to do with past versus present. Like you said in the video, it is a migration. With a migration there is not always war or conflict. Not always. Yes, there has been instances where war has arisen to due to this sort of conflict of interest, but in our case, war does not seem feasible at this day and age. Okay, so in 1492, a stronger, more developed, more technologically advance, and sicker nation came to the Americas and took over the land. Why were they able to do this? Well for one thing they had guns, they had germs, and they had the mental capacity it took to think selfishly and take what they wanted. That seems to be a lot different than what is going on today, don't you think?

In terms of "illegal immigration" or "migration" in today's world, the issue is not a complete take over. The issue is not taking land or possessions from the native people. The issue is not one of a manifest destiny. Today's movement of people is solely on an individual basis. Whereas in 1492, it was a national movement. In our society, immigration is strictly based upon one individual, or a family of individuals, looking for a better life. Now, it has been projected that in possible a half century, the number of non-caucasians will outnumber the number of whites in our country. But will a war result? Probably not. The equality of technological advancements keeps anyone from NATIONALLY taking over. Even if some country is slightly less advanced, an advanced, more powerful nation will usually step in to aid the weaker nation.

There is nothing wrong with searching for a better life. It is human nature. And, especially if it is possible to achieve something better than what you have now, why not go for it? Immigration or migration is bound to happen. It is not the same as before... not because a war will not result but because it is an individual movement. It is a movement of single people or families, not an entire nation or religious sect. There are no ulterior motives other than self-improvement, and the worst thing that will happen is over-population. Hey, here's an idea. If so many immigrants from Mexico wish to come into the United States, Mexico should donate us some land below Texas in order to make more room. That is the fair thing to do. What's another state going to do anyways? It would not hurt anyone. Shit, I would move there. Sunshine in the air, perfume everywhere, girls are everywhere.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What about people who ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is really hard to find a middle ground in this case. It really is whether you have the money or not to be able to do it. Plain and simple. In my opinion it should just be about the hard work. Although many people may disagree on how they feel about America, as to whether it is a good country or not, etc., it is a land of great opportunities. Therefore, I do feel that you should be able work hard and gain a better future or gain better opportunities to succeed. Why not? Yes, I would be hurt if an illegal immigrant beat me out for a job I desired. But, when thinking about the BIG PICTURE, aren't we all illegal immigrants like what was shown in lecture. How can we say at this day and age that "migration" of peoples is illegal. We did the same exact shit in 1492.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Christian Invaders - t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Let me first start off by saying that I am not a person who entrenches himself in, let alone studiously follows, politics. The system is driven by human actions and decisions, which are not standardized the least bit. For a political system to work, not function but work (as in work correctly), decisions would be based on calculations and no personal or moral justifications would play into it. In the case that Sam speaks of, that of the Cristian Invaders and the war on Iraq, there is a lot wrong with both sides of the story. Although I am sure Sam is not against the war in Iraq, as he said in lecture, I do believe it was an awakening experience. Still, let's not forget about other reasons for fighting the war, which do not pertain to oil.

Putting myself in the shoes of an Iraqi teen was something I had never done before. I am a firm believer of "putting yourself in somebody else's shoes" in order to gain perspective. It is a tactic that really works and thus really worked for this lecture. This video was also really powerful, which helped to add to my questioning and such. Now, I think George W. Bush is an idiot and do not give him credit for using the term "crusade" in order to describe the war. I strongly believe that he probably thought it was a "cool" way to describe battle and did not consider its religious connotation whatsoever. That being said, I do believe this is a war about 2 things: oil and retaliation. I feel like the oil is the main driving force, and the retaliation is used as justification and to take publicity away from the oil-driven motives.

The question I have relates exactly to Sam's point of lecture. After putting yourself in the shoes of Iraqi teens, put yourself back in your own shoes. Looking at the war in Iraq from both lenses, which side do you choose? Some people may really feel bad for what has happened in Iraq to those people and would pick the side of the Iraqi teens, but I do believe most people would not. I look at what has been done to the United States in terms of terrorism and such acts of violence around the world, and I am very for the war against terrorism. Now I am not necessarily for a war on oil rights, but if that should be a bonus of this war, then so be it. The American invasion of Iraq is not terrorism, but the attacks of 9/11 and those in Israel, England, Brazil, or any other recent attack are all terroristic. So do I think some of the things we are doing in Iraq are wrong? Yes. But would I sacrifice those for us to submit and accept terrorism and what it is capable of... No.

This is a really hard topic. I don't understand people, I don't understand these religions. I don't understand where these ideas of supported. I really wish all this shit would stop, because there really is no point.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Women · 0 replies · +1 points

I believe that the performance is class was really well done and portrayed a wonderful message. Yet, NONE of the responses after class had anything to do with the play's actual meaning. This was not about woman's issues with boob size or woman's issues with appearance. This was about ethnocentrism and how one person sees things completely different than the next person. I'm sorry some girls struggle with confidence or constantly questioning how they look, some guys do to. The point is that TO ME, this was not about women and their beauty, this was about conforming to society norms and pressures, and the detrimental affect they can have on people. The point is... be yourself. Do what makes you happy, do what you think is right. If some people do not like you for you, then don't waste your time.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Creating Terrorists · 0 replies · +1 points

This is a really sad video. The fact that this woman felt compelled to commit such an act really leaves one wondering why this is such a common occurrence. Why does avenging you husband's death become the course of action. Is it her religion that is encouraging her to do so? I do not know. The whole issue of creating terrorists and what not is really disturbing. You see images of children holding guns as if they were raised to commit terrorism. But then you see videos like this one, where one is avenging the death of a loved one. Maybe her husband was innocent and did not deserve to die, but killing more innocent victims to avenge him is not the way to go.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Christian Invaders - t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Let me first start off by saying that I am not a person who entrenches himself in, let alone studiously follows, politics. The system is driven by human actions and decisions, which are not standardized the least bit. For a political system to work, not function but work (as in work correctly), decisions would be based on calculations and no personal or moral justifications would play into it. In the case that Sam speaks of, that of the Cristian Invaders and the war on Iraq, there is a lot wrong with both sides of the story. Although I am sure Sam is not against the war in Iraq, as he said in lecture, I do believe it was an awakening experience. Still, let's not forget about other reasons for fighting the war, which do not pertain to oil.

Putting myself in the shoes of an Iraqi teen was something I had never done before. I am a firm believer of "putting yourself in somebody else's shoes" in order to gain perspective. It is a tactic that really works and thus really worked for this lecture. This video was also really powerful, which helped to add to my questioning and such. Now, I think George W. Bush is an idiot and do not give him credit for using the term "crusade" in order to describe the war. I strongly believe that he probably thought it was a "cool" way to describe battle and did not consider its religious connotation whatsoever. That being said, I do believe this is a war about 2 things: oil and retaliation. I feel like the oil is the main driving force, and the retaliation is used as justification and to take publicity away from the oil-driven motives.

The question I have relates exactly to Sam's point of lecture. After putting yourself in the shoes of Iraqi teens, put yourself back in your own shoes. Looking at the war in Iraq from both lenses, which side do you choose? Some people may really feel bad for what has happened in Iraq to those people and would pick the side of the Iraqi teens, but I do believe most people would not. I look at what has been done to the United States in terms of terrorism and such acts of violence around the world, and I am very for the war against terrorism. Now I am not necessarily for a war on oil rights, but if that should be a bonus of this war, then so be it. The American invasion of Iraq is not terrorism, but the attacks of 9/11 and those in Israel, England, Brazil, or any other recent attack are all terroristic. So do I think some of the things we are doing in Iraq are wrong? Yes. But would I sacrifice those for us to submit and accept terrorism and what it is capable of... No.

This is a really hard topic. I don't understand people, I don't understand these religions. I don't understand where these ideas of supported. I really wish all this shit would stop, because there really is no point.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - I really want to know ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Honestly this class has not necessary changed the way I think about everything, some things yes, but not everything. But most importantly this class has taught me to do one important thing... THINK. I honestly think about things a lot more, and that includes anything, not just race relations. Now some of my opinions have been changed but not about everything. For one thing, even though it feels like Sam expresses that we should feel guilty about some things involving race, these old things that I used to feel guilty about I really do not anymore. Maybe it is because I now have a better understanding of what they are or what the other side feels about it.
For example, topics on slavery. Do I feel guilty about african americans being enslaved in the early united states' history. Honestly, I do not feel guilty. I used to. I used to really feel bad about it. I used to feel like black americans were supposed to pissed off at white people. Like how could us white people do such a thing to black Americans. But after this class, I really do not feel guilty at all. Do I still feel bad? ABSOLUTELY. I feel terrible about it. It was a disgusting and irreprehensible period for America. But it is not like I would do anything like that. Hell no. I care way too much about other people, even people I do not know. I could never stomach such an act. Plus it just was not right. There isn't a person sitting in class that would honestly say they could be a part of slavery, or be a part of "wiping out all white people" or any true hatred like that. I know I could never do this, I do not think anyone else could either. Or societal way of thinking is far too advanced for these kind of acts to continue.
Okay so I do feel some way about it. But after THINKING about things because of this class, my feelings are not of guilt and responsibility, but of sadness. I can honestly say, I do see color when it comes to dealing with people. I do not look at someone and say, you did this because you are white or you did this because you are black, or you would say that because you are asian, or whatever. I do not do that. And this class has just solidified my confidence in doing so. You are not poor because you are black, hell like sam said, most AFRICAN americans are really rich. Sam's class may not have changed my thinking, his words may be really repititive and common sense. I may already know what he is going to say or have already heard it 10 times in my life. But, this class has solidified my thinking, and that is what I appreciate. It has taught me that it is okay to question, it is okay to feel certain things, because the truth is, a lot of people are the same. And, the bottom line is this... we are all human, that is what counts the most.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - The White Minorities · 0 replies · +1 points

When reading this post I am really questioning as to why Sam put it up. I could honestly care less as to whether or not white people are going to be the majority at 2050 or not. Here's why. First of all, by the time that white people are not the majority, there will be no concern as to whether or not white people are losing their power, or whatever. We are already at the stage in our country where we have a president that is half black and half white. To most people, that is a great step toward racial equality in our country. So then I start thinking about racial equality in 2050. Who's to say that TRUE racism is going to exist? I have a strong feeling that at the point where whites are not in the majority, our racial differences will no longer be a concern in this nation. Let's be serious, the chances of our next president not being a white male are a lot greater now that we have elected Barack Obama. And I have no problem with this. I hope that whites soon become the minority, and I hope that people of color show that it does not matter who is in the majority because we are all people and we all deserve things equally.

However, maybe some think that, "oh man" if whites are not in the majority, the people of color will put us into slavery or limit us from eating in certain restaurants, or attempt to re-segregate our schools in order for people of color to have some revenge-like advantage. I do not know. I hope this does not happen. I do not think this will happen. But, I fell like some people may fear of this.

This still does not phase me. I honestly do not think it makes a difference who is the majority because all that matters is who is in charge. Oh wait, now I am starting to think different. This blog stuff is kind of cool because you can change your thoughts mid blog, and still keep blogging. Hey, this is weird. But I digress. No, but seriously, what if people of color really turn against us? Like some of them are really pissed off at white people. Sam showed us that video of the crazy black male who said that all white people need to be exterminated. What if this actually happens, what if people of color go into power, change all the laws, and kill all the black people. I am really scared. What are going to happen to my children. Will they live to see 50? holy crap. Good thing it's
Good Friday... Oh wait, I'm jewish. Shit! Okay well, I actually don't think this is going to happen because no person is that sick, no person will actually do that... I hope. Except for maybe Sam. Yeah he would do that, he is such a white hater. God Sam, why do you hate your own people? That is so mean. How would your parents feel about that. Nah, I am just messin with you bro.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Isn't a person's quali... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yo bro. Way to go, you just rocked my world. After attending "the best lecture" this semester, I had many questions similar to your post. It is ridiculous to utilize affirmative action in one specific instance, that being when it comes to affect other people. Sure, AA might be utilized in terms of getting into a specific college, or getting that awesome internship. But when choosing an unqualified applicant over a more qualified one, for a position that will eventually have an affect on someone else's life, is absurd. No one in their right mind would pick someone less qualified if it had a direct affect on his or her life, its just human nature.