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12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 1 reply · +1 points
And let's face it almost everything is a matter of degree. The Chinese restaurant on the corner and the generally reserved, hard-working, friendly people who run it are obviously no "threat" of any kind and would be welcomed accordingly. Now if they were to organize all of a sudden and start plotting and conspiring to bribe and blackmail our politicians and monopolize and control our media, and bombard us with propaganda and undermine our culture and generally subvert our government and loot our assets, etc., then some of us would have a problem with that.
12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 3 replies · +1 points
For example, if, as part of long-standing tradition, I teach my children: "Don't do anything to anyone else that you wouldn't want them to do to you", and my neighbor teaches his children the same moral doctrine, and we all get along pretty well, and we create a moderately successful society, what happens when we mix with other people, who, in accordance with long-standing tradition, teach their children: "You can do anything you want to anyone else, as long as it's not another one of your fellow tribesmen". How do you think that'll work out in the long run?
What David Duke is saying is what every sentient being already knows, but only honest, courageous people not intimidated by the tyranny of political correctness, are willing to say.
Lastly, the Jewish state of Israel is a bad example of "voluntary segregation", since there is nothing "voluntary" about it. It's a brutal, criminal, artificial fascist state, which cannot exist in anything other than a parasite-host relationship. It's an example of pure evil, and nothing else.
12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 7 replies · +3 points
Unfortunately the comments section of Justin's article doesn't seem like the right place to do that.
As I see it, generally speaking, "nationalism" whether we're talking about "White nationalism", or "German nationalism" or "Black nationalism", or whatever, means similarly situated people rallying around the ties that bind them, in response to some threat or injustice visited upon them from "outsiders". IOW, it's one distinctly recognizable group organizing itself to defend common interests against an injustice or threat by another organized, distinctly recognizable group.
White nationalism is basically a defensive response to aggressive Jewish supremacism.
Moreover, the only way the Jewish-supremacist mafia was able to take control of the U.S. government, was to first corrupt our values and undermine our culture. After all, what good is it to run the government of the U.S. if the peasants are morally competent and refuse to make the bombs you want made; and/or refuse to join the Army to go on Zionist crusades slaughtering and subjugating Arab/Islamic countries? The Jewish-supremacist mafia can and will only rule where there is consummate corruption, thus they have to foster moral degeneracy as a pre-condition to our enslavement.
12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 9 replies · -1 points
12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 11 replies · 0 points
And, no, we can "preserve and defend the identity of...[our]...race" by clinging to our moral principles and preserving our culture. It's only when we allow our values to be undermined that "the state", i.e., the Jewish criminal enterprise masquerading as "government", can take over and subvert the Constitution for example.
You ask what was "silly" about your posts? Your reply to "Truth Allowed" above, for example, is pure nonsense, and speaks for itself.
Lastly, yes, the period normally would go inside the parentheses. Originally my parenthetical statement was part of the sentence preceeding it, but I changed it to a separate sentence without moving the period. But unlike your posts (which reflect a basic ignorance of grammar) that's the type of mistake everyone makes from time to time, myself included.
12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 0 replies · 0 points
12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 13 replies · +2 points
12 years ago @ Original A... - Naftali Bennett: The D... · 20 replies · +6 points
12 years ago @ Original A... - It's All About Israel · 0 replies · +2 points
This is a smokescreen. The "President" (if we can call him that) is just another puppet playing a role. A direct, unprovoked attack on Iran was never an option in the first place. Netahyahoo and the "let's attack Iran" nonsense is simply propaganda being used to make "Obama" look like a "reasonable" person by comparison, for those who need and want to be fooled.
They will eventually get their war against Iran, but they'll do it through the back door of Syria, which was always the plan. As I type this Turkey is doing everything possible to get the war going. How can anyone give the butcher "Obama" credit for being anything other than the mass-murderer he is?
12 years ago @ Original A... - Our Truth, and Theirs · 1 reply · +2 points