15p2 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ The Australian Protect... - Greenshirts crash Monc... · 2 replies · +1 points
The arrogance of the elite will destroy us all.
Wait till Iran have "the bomb".
15 years ago @ The Australian Protect... - Swan Valley (WA) Mosqu... · 2 replies · +2 points
If you believe in the freedom of Australians to determine their own future.
If you believe that you should have the right to individuality.
If you believe in what our forefathers created.
If you believe that burying your head in the sand is counterproductive.
If you are a Protectionist, dont stop talking to people, or dropping off a few leaflets to people, dont stop opening peoples eyes up to what is happening to our country, and believing that YOU can make a difference. You, yourself really can, you just have to have belief in yourself.
I will not let my grandchildren suffer at the hands of Islam!
This is why I, myself, am a Protectionist, it is why my partner is filling out the application to become a Protectionist, it is why my 4 month old baby girl will be a Protectionist. Because, we are Australian's.