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15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - SOMALILAND: Foundation... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Malaysian oil and gas ... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Islamists in Somalia B... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - A Trip To The Unknown ... · 0 replies · +2 points
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Dress to Impress: How ... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland: A Trip To ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Are u still in Hargeisa? don't u get a weekend to go to the country side. You would have seen the real camel boys - not cow boys, try to milk a camel!. I've heard there is a drought and camels may have immigrated far away, however you'll find some local herds if you ask somebody and if you go to Berbera there are the famous Mohamed Ali camels in the city suburb. One Somali poet described camels "the living stone" because they can travel across the desert for days without needing any water and still carry your stuff.
looking forward to the next post.
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland: A Trip To ... · 0 replies · +1 points
These are your personal numbers, aren't they? They are not the Uni's. You might be genuinely nice guys and don't mean anything bad, but consider the cultural differences. In the west, people don't exchange contact details unless they know each other. And by the way, Emily has already been to Hargeisa Uni.
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland: A Trip To ... · 0 replies · +1 points
I've enjoyed reading your posts as well as comments from readers around the world. Thanks to somalilandpress, I'm now hooked on to this website because of its diverse contents. These guys are really doing a good job, I hope one day they become a big media company, promoting freedom of expression in Somaliland.
How r u coping with the dusty wind of Hargeisa, we call it "Dabayl Xagaa" - The summer wind, and it blows this time of the year. I used to see women wrestling with their Hijabs when walking towards the wind!.
Can't wait for those photos of places you've been to in the next few posts.
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland: A Trip To ... · 0 replies · +1 points
I'm sure Emily was warned by someone who had bad experience with Daallo airlines. I haven't got anything against Daallo airlines, but there are better operators in the region. I've taken Daallo airlines from Hargeisa to Djibouti, It was like oven, no air con, no refreshments, and a bit bumpy. I was gasping for air. Imagine if there was a passenger with heart problems, they'd have passed out. Just because there is no consumer protection in this part of the world doesn't mean they can do what they want and get away with it. People have got the right to choose which airline they fly with. Gone are the days when there was only Daallo airlines ...
They need to improve their service standards or they will be out of the race soon.
15 years ago @ SomalilandPress - Somaliland: A Trip To ... · 1 reply · +1 points
It seems like you've already done a lot of environmental scanning. I'm sure you will enjoy ur stay in Somaliland. Have look around and explore the place. Somaliland cities were completely destroyed specially Hargeisa during the war and u will see some of the ruins yourself, however Somaliland people have rebuild themselves from zero, nothing glamorous but surprisingly succeeding against all odds, thanks to the diaspora.
The country is beautiful, visit the coastal town of Berbera, Sheikh pass, Ga'an Libah national park, Buroa, Sanaag, Laasgeel cave paintings ..... just to mention a few and keep us informed about ur work/holiday.
Wishing u all the best .
Nasir, London