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12 years ago @ Vision to America - Hundreds of Pastors to... · 0 replies · +1 points


13 years ago @ Godfather Politics - 2 Judges Against 7 Mil... · 10 replies · +11 points

Gay couples should never be allowed to raise/adopt a child. This is an atmosphere that is not healthy for a growing child. First of all the child will more likely than not be persecuted by other children from regular homes/families. Then they will be learning unhealthy lifestyle, unchristian life style, from those considered the parents.

13 years ago @ Big Health Report - Susan G. Komen Apologi... · 1 reply · +5 points

I do not understand, how people who are fighting so desperately for their own lives, are actively,working to cut off the lives of millions, that have not had a chance, not to even draw a breath. How can anyone so involved in living do such a thing. Why is their lives so much more important than the lives they are helping to destroy. What is their reasoning. Saving lives? Whose lives? Giving birth is one of the safest medical decision you can make. Very seldom does one die giving birth/lif.e

13 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Morning Bell: Middle E... · 0 replies · +18 points

Is there anything, anywhere that is not crumbling as Obama passes by and adds a blow. He is a master destroyer.

13 years ago @ Big Health Report - For Many, Affordable H... · 4 replies · +6 points

It is so ridiculous, I have only had insurance that my husband or myself paid for all of my life. Now, the gov is taking my money that we paid into social security, so that I would be cared for as a senior and spending it everywhere but on my expenses. What I finally am able to receive has been cut severely, for the extra insurance. The government has wasted it and us.

13 years ago @ Big Health Report - Diet Soda A Day Linked... · 0 replies · +5 points

Government is always outlawing something or the other, that should be left alone but never think about outlawing things that are harmful. If artificial sweeteners are that dangerous why have they not been forced off of the market. The name JESUS CHRIST has been forced out of public places and there can only possibly be good in using HIS name, why not things that are killing people. We cannot even take HIS WORD with us in anyplace public but cigarettes, dangerous foods are allowed anywhere, any time.

13 years ago @ Big Health Report - Too Young for a Stroke... · 0 replies · 0 points

Strokes are a very serious occurrence. Don't lose hope. There is much you can do to overcome the effects. The affected side which is the opposite side than that where the stroke happened. Therapy on the limbs and joint prove very effective and if patient is willing to work hard and done give up, almost complete recovery s possible.

13 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - FEMA's Toxic Trailers:... · 1 reply · +1 points

I can remember the awful response that the Katrina victims got, assistance that many had paid dearly that did materialize. Government, insurance companies did not seem to be aware of what the need were. Many times when assistance was sent to the wrong places, no organization was available.

13 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Government Controls on... · 0 replies · +4 points

It should not be necessary to have such a law. The dangers of smoking is common knowledge. If you have a non smoker in the vehicle, you should be considerate enough not to smoke. If you are alone in your car or if there are only smoker in the car, it is nobody else' business if you smoke. Government, butt out!!

13 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Ruth Ginsburg in Egypt... · 0 replies · +2 points

It is such a pity that we don't have more Supreme Court Judges like Clarence Thomas. I hate to think what it will be like when he is no longer one of their judges. I hope that is along time off. He is the only one that is not afraid to stand alone on an issue that he believes is the correct decision!!